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  • Tags: milk

Operator is Veikko Alfred Saaristo. This is the River Street bottling plant. Square bottles were easier to fit in refrigerator.

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Three views of the United Cooperative Dairy

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United Co-Operative Society wire milk carrier and 10 - 1 quart bottles.

Certificate for one share of the Capital Stock of the Maynard Co-operative Milk Association issued to Mikko Saari on April 1, 1915. This Association became part of the Kaleva Co-operative Association in 1917.

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An article appearing in the Maynard Enterprise of July 24, 1935 on the results of an investigation of milk pricing by the United Cooperative Society.

The tokens could be exchange for a quart of milk.

A delivery box usually on a porch where milk and other dairy products were placed. These milk containers were distributed to customers and ice was included in hot weather.

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The operator is Olin Bradbury.

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Seven delivery slips for Grover Quimby, Gleasondale Road, Stow. The one shown includes a notice of a price increase.

The wood and metal braced milk bottle crate holds 12 - 1 quart bottles.

Two milk invoices for M. Rubin from Erikson's.

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