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  • Tags: St. Bridget Church

The churches as seen on Memorial Day, May 30, 1946.
First photo: St. Bridget Second photo: St. Casimir

left photo
l to r
Front: Marian May, Ellen Sheridan, Marjorie Paul, Ruth Manning

Back: Mary Stades, Marie Sheridan, Eleanor Martin, Ella Charpentier, Genevieve Lynch. Constance Stigliani, Mrs. Gately Evelyn Mulcahy

Right photo areā€¦

A program for the Centennial Mass at St. Bridget Church on November 1, 1981.

St. Bridget's Parish Centennial Celebration Banquet Program including a note from Father Frank Regan, menu, and evening program agenda.

A Journal celebrating the Jubilee Year of the St. Bridget's Parish, Maynard, MA - August 7,8,9, 1919.

A Program for the Holy Name Society of St. Bridget's Parish Second Annual Minstrel Show, at the Parker Street Hall, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 7, 8, 9, 1947. The show was directed by Ethel F. Hannon, and Music by Mrs. Joseph P. Dineen.

A Program for the St. Bridget Holy Name Society Minstrel Show on February 25, 26, 27, 1946.

A program for the Maynard Catholic Union Inauguration, hosted at Co-Operative Hall, Tuesday Evening, May 1, 1900.

Two St. Bridget's Rosary and Scapular Society membership cards for Mary Coughlin and Kate Coughlin, 1887, as issued by Rev. M.J.McCall, Pastor.

A savings account record of St. Bridget's Catholic Temperance & Benevolent Society, from 1914-1923, recorded by the Assabet Institution for Savings, Maynard.

A St. Bridget Parish Sunday School Attendance Card, 1910, for Vincent Kelly of 2 Pine Street, Maynard, MA, including Rules of the Sunday School.

A Program for a play sponsored by the St. Bridget's Parish Players, March 28, 29, 30, 1945.

A Program for a comedy presented by the St. Bridget's Parish Players on March 16 & 17, 1937, 8:00 PM, at the Maynard High School Auditorium.

A Program for an Irish Minstrel Show produced by St. Bridget's Parish Players, March 19, 1934, 8:15 PM, held at Colonial Hall, Maynard.

An agenda for a celebration honoring World War I returning soldiers and sailors from St. Bridget's Parish, Wednesday, April 23, 1919.

An agenda for the evening's program for the Silver Jubilee of St. Bridget Parish, 1894-1919, at Colonial Hall.

The convent was located at the corner of Taylor Road and Great Road. The sign on the lawn promotes "Atlantic City Night" to support the St. Bridget's school.

A list of "Our Spiritual Leaders" who served at St. Bridget's Parish.

A published document showing the parishioners and the amount of donation for Nov. 1907.