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Welcome to the online archives of the Maynard Historical Society in Maynard, Massachusetts. Our online archive provides access to a significant portion of the documents, photographs, artifacts and memorabilia that the Society has in storage.  Start your journey with the search bar in the upper right.  You can read the "About" page for additional information on this project or the "Tips" page for ways to find and discover historical information.

Recently Added Items

Firefighter Polo Shirt
Maynard, Massachusetts


This is referred to as a Class B Uniform worn during the warmer months of the year.

Firefighter Dress Blouse
Maynard, Massachusetts


The uniform jacket was formal dress. The two silver sleeve stripes are a Captains designation, gold stripes are for the Chief. The four short bars on…

Maynard High School Football Schedule - 1968


Maynard High School Football Schedule for the fall 1968 season - 9 games

Head Coach: James Duggan
Assistant Coaches: Wilfred DeRosa, Harry Larsen,…

Mill Stream Cafe Match Covers - ca.1950


Match covers promoting the Mill Stream Cafe that operated at 183 Main St., Maynard during the 1940's and 50's.
Proprietor was Tony Watts


Saint Bridget Church Choir Brochure / History


A brochure for the St. Bridget's Choir which includes an informal history of the choir's 50 years. The choir was dissolved in 2024.

Martha Whittemore Appreciation Award - 1988


Maynard Booster Club Plaque given to Martha Whittemore for her long time service in the Maynard Public Schools. Martha was inducted into the Maynard…

Boyd's Genuine Porcelain Lined Cap


Placed under metal lid of preserving jars.

Mason's Improved Green Glass Lid
May 23, 1871


Glass cover for early Mason preserving jars.

One Pint Cream Bottle


Reusable standard glass bottle

Maple Lane Farm Dairy Bottle
Stow, Mass.


A half gallon reusable milk bottle.

First National Stores Beverage Bottles


One is a Millbrook Club beverage capped bottle. The other is an unknown beverage bottled rubber corked bottle.
Millbrook Club was a First National…

Tydol Trip Record Book - 1954


A booklet from Tydol "Flying A" oil company used to keep track of road trips in your car. The book has records of a few trips by Marion Boothroyd…

O'Brien Family Ledger


George and Barbara O'Brien kept a detailed record of household expenses from as early as 1950 through 1956 with occasional posting until 1967.…

Maynard High School Football Program - November 16, 1963


Score: Maynard High School 0 vs Milford High School 30 at Milford High School

Maynard’s Head Coach: Wilfred DeRosa
Assistant Coaches: James…

Community Preservation Act in Maynard 2006 -2008


The Community Preservation act was adopted by Maynard at the 2005 Town Meeting and Town election in 2006. The CPA was enacted by the Massachusetts…

A First Book in American History - 1899


An early textbook of American History used in the Maynard Public Schools.
The name written on page, Ventson Fowler, may not be Maynard connected.

Safety in our Community - mid 1960's
Maynard Police Department


A booklet promoted by the Police Department outlining safety procedures for children and young adults.
Chief of Police - Michael T. Zapareski

Hans P. N. Dahl Watch and Biography


Photos of a watch from the Maynard Jeweler and Optician H. P. N. Dahl.

(Biography adapted from Mr. Dahl's obituary in 1914)

Hans P. N. Dahl was…

Maynard High School Football Program - November 9, 1963


Score: Maynard High School vs Concord-Carlisle High School - after postponement due to the elements, this game was cancelled because of the untimely…