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Maynard Fires

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Maynard Fires


Like any municipality Maynard has had its fair share of fires, minor and major, all engaged by the Maynard Fire Department (sometimes supported by Stow, Acton and other neighboring towns).

A large percentage of the photos in this collection come from the Maynard Fire Department archives.

If you have any details/corrections on any of these items, please contact us (email:


Maynard Historical Society


Maynard Fire Department, et. al.

This is a PREVIEW of Items in the Maynard Fires Collection

View ALL of the items in collection

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Residential Fire on Brooks Street
Firefighters fighting a fire from a ladder truck. Firefighter Peter Morrison is the second firefighter on ladder.

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Eagles Block Fire
Fire at the Eagles Block (corner of Nason and Summer Street). This fire destroyed the building and the Eagles rebuilt it in place.

Residential Fire on Percival Street
Photograph of a fire at the McPhee Residence on Percival at 3am, reported on Box 34

Barn Fire Damage
Photographs of the aftermath of a barn fire and MFD team members:
Far right: Marty Gruber
Third from right: Eddie Murphy

Barn Fire Damage
Photo of the fire damage done to Joey Lombardi’s barn

MFD members playing basketball
Maynard Fire Department members playing basketball, most likely against Acton Fire Department.

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Maynard Fire Apparatus on street
Photograph of a pump truck traveling down a street.

Maynard Engine 3 was eventually sold to Digital Equipment Corp.

Acton Street Fire
Firefighters at a residential fire on Acton Street

MFD participating in parade
Photograph of an MFD crew on a pump truck.

This photo was taken on Main Street in front of 117 Main Street (then Gruber's Furniture).

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Maynard Fire Department training exercise near Mill complex
Photograph of Maynard Ladder 1 (1963 Peter Pirsche) loaded with firefighters traveling down the Mill driveway next to the Assabet River paralleling Walnut Street as part of a training exercise.

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Maynard Fire Photograph
Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

MFD in Parade
Photograph of MFD engine presumably in a parade. The photograph was taken on Main Street in front of the Masonic Block.

MFD at truck accident
Rescue operations at an accident involving a Assabet Sand and Gravel 10 wheeler near 177 Parker Street.

Maynard Fire Investigation
Photograph of a post-fire investigation.

Firefighter Paul Cobleigh Maynard Fire Investigator in doorway, Maynard Police Officer Tom Natoli kneeling down

Residential Fire Photograph - First Street
Fire at barn on the Lombardi property on First Street