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Class of 1959 Graduation Exercises Program
A program for the Maynard High School Graduation Exercises for the Class of 1959. The Graduation was held at Alumni Field, Maynard, June 14, 1959, at 3:00 pm.
Maynard High School Class of 1959 Graduation Invitation
A formal invitation for Maynard High School Commencement for the Class of 1959, dated June 14, 1959, 3:00 PM at Alumni Field.
Diploma for Jean Cecelia Lorentson - 1959
A Maynard High School diploma for Cecelia Jean Lorentson dated June 14, 1959. It is signed by William Larson, Noble Loomer, and Virginia Robinson of the Maynard School Committee. Also signed by Frediano Mattioli, Principal, and Albert Lerer,…