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Excerpts from Archbishop Williams Registry at the Chancery Archives
St. Bridget's Roman Catholic Church
St. Bridget's Roman Catholic Church
One page document of excerpts from the Archdiocese of Boston referring to St. Bridget's Church.
Donated by Joseph E. Boothroyd
Document Item Type Metadata
Oct. 30, 1866 - Marlboro & Assabet dedicate new church in Assabet and confirmed at 10 o'clock - 24 males & 34 females. - 58
Confirmed in Marlboro at 1/2 past four P.M. - 180 males & 24 females, 420.
Jan. 4, 1871 - New Parish at Assabet. Rev. Michael O'Reilly, assistant at Marlboro, is appointed pastor of Assabet.
Sept. 21, 1884 - Dedication in Maynard and confirmation in Maynard & Concord - at 11 A.M., dedicated the beautiful new wooden church in Maynard. Rev. Michael T. McManus, Pastor of St. Patrick's, So. Lawrence, sang Mass and Rev. Fr. McKenna, O.P., preached. After Mass confirmed 75 males & 73 females = 148. At 4 P.M. confirmed in Concord 68 males & 64 females = 132 = Total= 280.
Rev. M.J. McCall, Pastor
Rev. Ed Moriarty
Jan. 2, 1894 - New Parish in Maynard - Maynard & Acton, formerly belonging to Concord, are made into a new parish, and Rev, John A. Crowe, assistant in Concord, is appointed first Rector of Maynard.
Confirmed in Marlboro at 1/2 past four P.M. - 180 males & 24 females, 420.
Jan. 4, 1871 - New Parish at Assabet. Rev. Michael O'Reilly, assistant at Marlboro, is appointed pastor of Assabet.
Sept. 21, 1884 - Dedication in Maynard and confirmation in Maynard & Concord - at 11 A.M., dedicated the beautiful new wooden church in Maynard. Rev. Michael T. McManus, Pastor of St. Patrick's, So. Lawrence, sang Mass and Rev. Fr. McKenna, O.P., preached. After Mass confirmed 75 males & 73 females = 148. At 4 P.M. confirmed in Concord 68 males & 64 females = 132 = Total= 280.
Rev. M.J. McCall, Pastor
Rev. Ed Moriarty
Jan. 2, 1894 - New Parish in Maynard - Maynard & Acton, formerly belonging to Concord, are made into a new parish, and Rev, John A. Crowe, assistant in Concord, is appointed first Rector of Maynard.
Original Format
8.5 x 11 in. paper