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Thirteen Old Real Estate Deeds
This is a collection of property deeds.
1. The one shown is for a transfer of land on Concord Road that includes a right of way, to Elizabeth W. Whitney from John Haley for $689 dollars on 28 February 1887.
The others are:
2. Lucy A. Hayes to John McCarthy off of Acton Street for $352 on 26 May 1890
3.Mary Jane Reed to the Hudson Savings Bank, two dwelling houses & a half tenement on the easterly side of Nason Street for $2600 on 21 June 1898.
4. Administer of Estate, William H. Gutteridge, of Mary E. Greene to Abel C. Hayes, land and building on Main Street for $1500 on 13 November 1903 at public auction.
5. Lucius H. Maynard, Executor of the Will of Alice Henderson to Richard W. Parmenter, a House and Barn at the corner of Summer & Concord Streets for $2620 on 23 March 1903.
6.Same as #5 except the seller is a minor, William S. Henderson represented by William R. Hall.
7. John B. Kalilainen and Hilda S. Kalilainen from Thomas J. McNamara and John H. Coughlin for a lot at Assabet Park (Douglas Ave. area) for $1001 on 25 Jan 1907.
8. Joseph Kajander from Thomas E. Lawler for building and land on River Street for $1 and other valuable consideration on 26 Aug 1906.
9. John Nordberg from the Hudson National Bank a mortgage for $1200 for property on Glendale Street on 28 Jan. 1909.
10. Nora J. Sheehan from William Haggerty for property on corner of Glendale and Warren Street on 10 October 1924.
11. Antti and Lydia Helenius from John C. Nordberg two parcels; 2 acres on Marlboro Road, 4 acres on Concord Road, on 3 May 1918
12. Mattie E. Wright from Charles D. Whitney, Edith G. Chandler, Marion I. Butterworth for 88 Acton Street on 24 March 1926.
13. Charles J. & Mary J. Punty from the Hudson Savings Bank for property on Driscoll Ave for $2300 on 7 Oct. 1935.
1. The one shown is for a transfer of land on Concord Road that includes a right of way, to Elizabeth W. Whitney from John Haley for $689 dollars on 28 February 1887.
The others are:
2. Lucy A. Hayes to John McCarthy off of Acton Street for $352 on 26 May 1890
3.Mary Jane Reed to the Hudson Savings Bank, two dwelling houses & a half tenement on the easterly side of Nason Street for $2600 on 21 June 1898.
4. Administer of Estate, William H. Gutteridge, of Mary E. Greene to Abel C. Hayes, land and building on Main Street for $1500 on 13 November 1903 at public auction.
5. Lucius H. Maynard, Executor of the Will of Alice Henderson to Richard W. Parmenter, a House and Barn at the corner of Summer & Concord Streets for $2620 on 23 March 1903.
6.Same as #5 except the seller is a minor, William S. Henderson represented by William R. Hall.
7. John B. Kalilainen and Hilda S. Kalilainen from Thomas J. McNamara and John H. Coughlin for a lot at Assabet Park (Douglas Ave. area) for $1001 on 25 Jan 1907.
8. Joseph Kajander from Thomas E. Lawler for building and land on River Street for $1 and other valuable consideration on 26 Aug 1906.
9. John Nordberg from the Hudson National Bank a mortgage for $1200 for property on Glendale Street on 28 Jan. 1909.
10. Nora J. Sheehan from William Haggerty for property on corner of Glendale and Warren Street on 10 October 1924.
11. Antti and Lydia Helenius from John C. Nordberg two parcels; 2 acres on Marlboro Road, 4 acres on Concord Road, on 3 May 1918
12. Mattie E. Wright from Charles D. Whitney, Edith G. Chandler, Marion I. Butterworth for 88 Acton Street on 24 March 1926.
13. Charles J. & Mary J. Punty from the Hudson Savings Bank for property on Driscoll Ave for $2300 on 7 Oct. 1935.
Donated by the Hudson Historical Society
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Thirteen 8.5 x 11 in. folded paper stock