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Riverside Hall - 1872


Dublin Core


Riverside Hall - 1872


An early photograph of Riverside Hall, constructed by the Maynard Family in the late 1860s on Main Street (115-117).

This is a group photograph of maybe 90-100 people, presumably townspeople, but the occasion is unknown -- other than taking a photograph, which was somewhat a big deal in 1872.

The major tenant seems to be Sitchel & Hovey Dry Goods. It is advertising "Dry Goods", "Fancy Goods", and "Crockery".

Maynard held its first Town Meeting and elections on the second floor at this hall in 1871.

A small sign on the tree in the foreground is advertising something called "Peruvian Syrup".

Not from Peru at all, the so-called “Peruvian Syrup” was actually manufactured by J. P. Dinsmore of New York and distributed from Boston by Seth W. Fowle & Son. By combining cocaine and “protoxide of iron,” Dinsmore’s potion promised to transform “weakly, sickly, suffering creatures” into “strong, healthy, happy men and women.” Through advertising cards the aggressive promoters of Peruvian Syrup insisted that it “vitalizes and enriches the blood, tones up the system."






Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Photo print

Physical Dimensions

5 x 7 in. copy of a stereo card.

