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W.B. Case & Sons Advertisement
Full-page newspaper advertisement announcing a grand clearance and removal sale for W.B. Case & Sons.
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W.B. Case and Sons
Announce a Grand
Dry Goods, Small Wares, Boots
Shoes and Rubbbers
Expecting soon to occupy our New Store, we have decided to sell out the whole stock of goods if possible, even at a great loss, rather than be obliged to remove such an immense quantity of merchandise. Here are some of our prices:
What we have of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Outer Winter Garments for just one half what they are worth.
Ladies all wool heavy Jackets, never sold less than $5, now only $2.50
Ladies winter Raglans, same as advertised in Boston papers as bargains at $10, only $5
Misses' and Children's Garments and a few Fur Sets will be closed out in the same proportion.
Ladies silk waists, worth $5 for $2.50
Dress goods in assortment are being sold out at great loss from 5cts a yard up
White goods suitable for wastes, etc., selling cheap
Table linen of which we carry a large stock, will be sold at bargain prices.
The best 10c Linen Crash for toweling, on the market today, for 9c a yard. Other crashes selling lower than ever before.
Bed Blankets and Comforters are being closed out at a sacrifice in prices.
(other details to be transcribed)
We have not the time or space here to go into lengthly details describing the different kinds of goods we have to sell, but desire to empathize the fact that we mean Business as we are soon to move, consequently this is a Genuine Clearance and Removal Sale the like of which the town of Maynard never before witnessed. What is our loss will be your game
N.B. We cannot allow the Cash Card Discount on goods we are selling out at less than cost. Call early and often and save money.
W.B.Case & Sons, Maynard, Mass.
Announce a Grand
Dry Goods, Small Wares, Boots
Shoes and Rubbbers
Expecting soon to occupy our New Store, we have decided to sell out the whole stock of goods if possible, even at a great loss, rather than be obliged to remove such an immense quantity of merchandise. Here are some of our prices:
What we have of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Outer Winter Garments for just one half what they are worth.
Ladies all wool heavy Jackets, never sold less than $5, now only $2.50
Ladies winter Raglans, same as advertised in Boston papers as bargains at $10, only $5
Misses' and Children's Garments and a few Fur Sets will be closed out in the same proportion.
Ladies silk waists, worth $5 for $2.50
Dress goods in assortment are being sold out at great loss from 5cts a yard up
White goods suitable for wastes, etc., selling cheap
Table linen of which we carry a large stock, will be sold at bargain prices.
The best 10c Linen Crash for toweling, on the market today, for 9c a yard. Other crashes selling lower than ever before.
Bed Blankets and Comforters are being closed out at a sacrifice in prices.
(other details to be transcribed)
We have not the time or space here to go into lengthly details describing the different kinds of goods we have to sell, but desire to empathize the fact that we mean Business as we are soon to move, consequently this is a Genuine Clearance and Removal Sale the like of which the town of Maynard never before witnessed. What is our loss will be your game
N.B. We cannot allow the Cash Card Discount on goods we are selling out at less than cost. Call early and often and save money.
W.B.Case & Sons, Maynard, Mass.
Original Format
14 x 21 in. newspaper page