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John Girdziewski Military Service Portrait
John F. Girdziewski
Private United States Army Air Corps
48th Materiel Squadron
5th Air Base Group
27th Bomb Group 5th Air Force
Born: February 5, 1919
Died: May 27, 1942
John joined the draft and was sent to Fort McKinley in the Philippines on November 20, 1941. John was originally listed as POW then MIA. He was captured May 5, 1942, presumed Bataan "death march" participant, as he was not listed as a prisoner held at the O'Donnell or Cabana prisons.
Reportedly, John died of dysentery, then was buried along a hillside that washed away during the monsoon season. His name is memorialized at the American National Cemetery in Manila. He was buried in Tayabus, Philippine Islands.
Information received from the 5th Army Air Corps historian indicated that the A-24s (Navy version was SBD, Dauntless Dive Bomber) aircraft assigned to the 5th Air Base Group were aboard the USS Miges.
The USS Miges was one of eight transports awaiting escort from Hawaii. These ships were at Pearl Harbor on December 7lh. The ships with their cargo were then diverted to Brisbane, Australia after the bombing. Before being captured, the airmen in the Philippines fought as infantry with the 2nd Battalion, a unit made up of Air Corp personnel.
The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.
Private United States Army Air Corps
48th Materiel Squadron
5th Air Base Group
27th Bomb Group 5th Air Force
Born: February 5, 1919
Died: May 27, 1942
John joined the draft and was sent to Fort McKinley in the Philippines on November 20, 1941. John was originally listed as POW then MIA. He was captured May 5, 1942, presumed Bataan "death march" participant, as he was not listed as a prisoner held at the O'Donnell or Cabana prisons.
Reportedly, John died of dysentery, then was buried along a hillside that washed away during the monsoon season. His name is memorialized at the American National Cemetery in Manila. He was buried in Tayabus, Philippine Islands.
Information received from the 5th Army Air Corps historian indicated that the A-24s (Navy version was SBD, Dauntless Dive Bomber) aircraft assigned to the 5th Air Base Group were aboard the USS Miges.
The USS Miges was one of eight transports awaiting escort from Hawaii. These ships were at Pearl Harbor on December 7lh. The ships with their cargo were then diverted to Brisbane, Australia after the bombing. Before being captured, the airmen in the Philippines fought as infantry with the 2nd Battalion, a unit made up of Air Corp personnel.
The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Framed Photo 8x10
Physical Dimensions
8 x 10 inches