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Raymond Hanna Military Service Portrait


Dublin Core


Raymond Hanna Military Service Portrait


Raymond J. Hanna
Private United States Army
HQ Company, 1st Battalion
179th Infantry
45th Division

Died: Oct 16, 1943

A letter received by Raymond's sister Mary', now in the possession of his niece, stated that Raymond had suffered severe shrapnel wounds to his legs at San Lorenzello, Italy on October 15, 1943. Ray died of these wounds the next day at an aid station in Avallino.

Ray is buried in an American cemetery' (J-11-38), seventeen miles North of Salerno. Italy.

The Maynard Enterprise, dated Thursday, November 18, 1943, ran a headline stating that Private Hanna had died in Africa, as a result of wounds received during the invasion of Sicily. War time news was notorious for being inaccurate.

Raymond lived with his family on Harrison Street prior to volunteering for service, February 15, 1942. He had been in the Army less than two years. He had worked at the Assabet Woolen Mills and Maplecrest Dairy.

The portrait is on display in the Maynard Veterans' Wall of Honor in the Soup Campbell Room, Lower Level of Maynard Town Hall.




Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Framed Photo 8x10

Physical Dimensions

8 x 10 inches

