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Maynard Fire Department Hose Company #1 Constitution and Ledger
A ledger that documents the formation of Hose Company #1 in 1890.
The document includes the constitution and by-laws of the company, the original membership roster of the company, apparatus list, badges, and other lists.
The document includes the constitution and by-laws of the company, the original membership roster of the company, apparatus list, badges, and other lists.
Maynard Fire Department
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MFD Hose Company #1
We the members of Maynard Hose Co. No. 1 in order to maintain a perfect union among ourselves, establish discipline, define duty, insure tranquility, and promote the objects for which ??? are associated and do mutually pledge ourselves to each other to obey, keep and faithfully fill, fulfill the following regulations:
Article 1.
This company shall be called:
Maynard Hose Co. No. 1
Article 2.
The officers of this company shall consist of a foreman, first assistant, foreman, clerk, treasurer, steward, and standing committee of three (3) who shall be chosen annually on the first Monday (changed to Wednesday) in May by ballot. The term of office shall be one year or until their successors are elected to fill their places.
Article 3.
Duty of Forman
It shall be the duty of the Forman to preside at all meetings of the company, call special meetings when necessary, direct the movement of the carriage and company at fires and drills and order the members of the company to the performance of any reasonable duty.
Article 4.
Duty of Assistant Forman
The duty of the Assistant Forman shall be to aid the Forman in the discharge of his respective duties, along the lines of hose, and in the absence of the Forman to strictly perform the duties of that office.
Article 5.
Duty of the Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call the roll at the precise time stated for the meeting, (at the adjournment of the same, at fires when the duty is done) at the hose house on the return from a fire and on the return from an alarm of fire if the commanding officer so directs. He shall keep a record of all transactions of the company, notify its meetings at the least at least twenty four (24) hours previous to said meetings, notify members admitted, or discharged submitting the same to the engineers for their approval. He shall place a roll containing all the names names of the members of the company in some suitable place in the hose house and he shall receive such compensation as the company shall award him.
Article 6.
Duty of Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies due from any source and keep a correct account of the same, and to the extent of the funds in the treasury, pay all demands for or against the company approved by the Standing Committee. He shall have in charge an account of all property belonging to the company.
Article 7.
Duty of Steward
It shall be the duty of the Steward to keep the house neat and comfortable and shall receive such compensation as the company shall award him.
Article 8.
Duty of Standing Committee
It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee to judge of all the matters in dispute between members of the company, approve all bills against the company before they are paid by the Treasurer shall audit his accounts and report at the annual meeting. They shall receive the names of the candidates for admission and such as they report in favor of may become members by receiving ballots of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting and by signing the constitution after having been approved by the engineers. The committee shall generally superintend the concerns of the company
Article 9.
At all meetings of the company, the senior officer present shall preside and strict obedience shall be paid to his command.
Article 10.
The annual meeting of the company shall be held on the first Monday? in May, and the regular monthly meeting shall be held the first Wednesday of each month at 8 P.M., and the meetings for drill at such times as the company may direct.
Article 11.
Any members who shall absent himself from a stated meeting or an alarm of fire shall pay twenty five (25) cents. When an alarm of fire is sounded on the bells, and the company is not worked, the clerk shall delay fifteen (15) minutes before calling the roll. From fires to which the apparatus is taken, the fine shall be twenty five (25) cents. Any member who shall be absent at the first roll call of a stated meeting or leave a meeting previous to the second roll call without permission from the commanding officer shall pay fifteen (15) cents. Any member who shall absent himself from a special meeting shall pay fifteen (15) cents (from the first roll call ten (10) cents and from the second roll call five (5) cents) Any member who shall be absent from sickness or other cause shall have the privilege of furnishing a substitute who shall answer to his name and perform his duty. And it shall be the duty of the presiding officer to excuse him after the roll call. Any member not paying their fine after the second regular meeting shall be expelled from the company.
Article 12.
It shall be the duty of every member upon an alarm, a fire to rip pair to the carriage and perform any reasonable duty. The officers may require.
Article 13.
Any member in good standing, shall be entitled to an honorable discharge by a note of the company.
Article 14.
In the absence of the clerk, the presiding officer shall appoint a clerk, pro-tem, and the company may supply any vacancy that may occur during the year.
Article 15.
Any member attending any meeting of the company under the influence of intoxicating drink shall be deprived of all privileges of membership during that meeting.
Article 16.
All monies and other property belonging to the company at the end of the year shall be disposed of by the majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting.
Article 17.
Seven members and one officer shall constitute a quorum to transact all business at any regular meeting.
Article 18.
The constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present at any regular meeting of the company providing that the alteration or amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous meeting.
Article 20 - Sect. 1
There shall exist at all meetings, perfect equality and when a member wishes to speak or to make a motion, he shall arise and respectfully address the presiding officer, and all business of the meetings shall be conducted according to Parliamentary rules of order.
Article 20 - Sect. 2
If any member during the business session of a meeting shall make use of any profane or obscene language, or shall conduct himself in a very rude or disorderly manner, the presiding officer shall take cognizance of the fact and cause him to be fined in a sum not less than twenty five (25) cents or more than one (1) dollar according to the decision of a majority of the members present.
Article 19.
The names of all persons desiring admission to the company shall be presented to the Secretary, who shall give names of said persons to Standing Committee, for their consideration before action is taken
Article 10 Amend.
That we hold regular monthly meeting the first Wednesday of every month 7:30 PM
Article 21.
Rules Governing Uniforms.
Sect. 1: each member will have the care and keeping of his uniform and must be ready to bring it to the hose house for inspection by the foreman and standing committee at least twice a year.
Sect. 2: A member shall be allowed to wear his uniform whenever he wishes to do so, as a uniform that is with badge and cap.
Sect. 3: Any member who shall lose or destroy his uniform or any part thereof shall replace such uniform or part at his own expense.
Sect. 4: the Foreman with the Standing Committee shall form a board to have charge of all uniforms and have power to levy fines or charges, at their discretion, on any member who shall through carelessness or negligence injure the uniform in his keeping.
Article 22.
Death of a Member
Upon the death of a member, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to immediately notify every member to meet at the Hose house to take such action as they may deem best.
Article 2 Amend
The officers of the company shall consist of Captain, Lieutenant, Clerk, Treasurer, Steward, and Standing Committee of three to be chosen annually on the first Tuesday in May by ballot
(NOTE: we welcome transcriptions of pages 11 on)
(Page 96)
Apparatus of Hose No. 1
24 50 ft sections 2 1/2 " hose.
2 Chemicals.
3 Hose-pipes and 3 pipe reducers.
1 Y coupling.
1 Shut off coupling.
1 Axe.
1 Crowbar.
1 Gate wrench
2 Monkey wrenchs
4 Hydrant wrenchs.
1 Carriage wrench.
17 Hose wrenches.
12 Hose belts.
1 Hose jacket.
6 Ladder straps.
11 Army coats.
4 Rubber coats.
4 So. nesters.
2 Lanterns.
We the members of Maynard Hose Co. No. 1 in order to maintain a perfect union among ourselves, establish discipline, define duty, insure tranquility, and promote the objects for which ??? are associated and do mutually pledge ourselves to each other to obey, keep and faithfully fill, fulfill the following regulations:
Article 1.
This company shall be called:
Maynard Hose Co. No. 1
Article 2.
The officers of this company shall consist of a foreman, first assistant, foreman, clerk, treasurer, steward, and standing committee of three (3) who shall be chosen annually on the first Monday (changed to Wednesday) in May by ballot. The term of office shall be one year or until their successors are elected to fill their places.
Article 3.
Duty of Forman
It shall be the duty of the Forman to preside at all meetings of the company, call special meetings when necessary, direct the movement of the carriage and company at fires and drills and order the members of the company to the performance of any reasonable duty.
Article 4.
Duty of Assistant Forman
The duty of the Assistant Forman shall be to aid the Forman in the discharge of his respective duties, along the lines of hose, and in the absence of the Forman to strictly perform the duties of that office.
Article 5.
Duty of the Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call the roll at the precise time stated for the meeting, (at the adjournment of the same, at fires when the duty is done) at the hose house on the return from a fire and on the return from an alarm of fire if the commanding officer so directs. He shall keep a record of all transactions of the company, notify its meetings at the least at least twenty four (24) hours previous to said meetings, notify members admitted, or discharged submitting the same to the engineers for their approval. He shall place a roll containing all the names names of the members of the company in some suitable place in the hose house and he shall receive such compensation as the company shall award him.
Article 6.
Duty of Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies due from any source and keep a correct account of the same, and to the extent of the funds in the treasury, pay all demands for or against the company approved by the Standing Committee. He shall have in charge an account of all property belonging to the company.
Article 7.
Duty of Steward
It shall be the duty of the Steward to keep the house neat and comfortable and shall receive such compensation as the company shall award him.
Article 8.
Duty of Standing Committee
It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee to judge of all the matters in dispute between members of the company, approve all bills against the company before they are paid by the Treasurer shall audit his accounts and report at the annual meeting. They shall receive the names of the candidates for admission and such as they report in favor of may become members by receiving ballots of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting and by signing the constitution after having been approved by the engineers. The committee shall generally superintend the concerns of the company
Article 9.
At all meetings of the company, the senior officer present shall preside and strict obedience shall be paid to his command.
Article 10.
The annual meeting of the company shall be held on the first Monday? in May, and the regular monthly meeting shall be held the first Wednesday of each month at 8 P.M., and the meetings for drill at such times as the company may direct.
Article 11.
Any members who shall absent himself from a stated meeting or an alarm of fire shall pay twenty five (25) cents. When an alarm of fire is sounded on the bells, and the company is not worked, the clerk shall delay fifteen (15) minutes before calling the roll. From fires to which the apparatus is taken, the fine shall be twenty five (25) cents. Any member who shall be absent at the first roll call of a stated meeting or leave a meeting previous to the second roll call without permission from the commanding officer shall pay fifteen (15) cents. Any member who shall absent himself from a special meeting shall pay fifteen (15) cents (from the first roll call ten (10) cents and from the second roll call five (5) cents) Any member who shall be absent from sickness or other cause shall have the privilege of furnishing a substitute who shall answer to his name and perform his duty. And it shall be the duty of the presiding officer to excuse him after the roll call. Any member not paying their fine after the second regular meeting shall be expelled from the company.
Article 12.
It shall be the duty of every member upon an alarm, a fire to rip pair to the carriage and perform any reasonable duty. The officers may require.
Article 13.
Any member in good standing, shall be entitled to an honorable discharge by a note of the company.
Article 14.
In the absence of the clerk, the presiding officer shall appoint a clerk, pro-tem, and the company may supply any vacancy that may occur during the year.
Article 15.
Any member attending any meeting of the company under the influence of intoxicating drink shall be deprived of all privileges of membership during that meeting.
Article 16.
All monies and other property belonging to the company at the end of the year shall be disposed of by the majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting.
Article 17.
Seven members and one officer shall constitute a quorum to transact all business at any regular meeting.
Article 18.
The constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present at any regular meeting of the company providing that the alteration or amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous meeting.
Article 20 - Sect. 1
There shall exist at all meetings, perfect equality and when a member wishes to speak or to make a motion, he shall arise and respectfully address the presiding officer, and all business of the meetings shall be conducted according to Parliamentary rules of order.
Article 20 - Sect. 2
If any member during the business session of a meeting shall make use of any profane or obscene language, or shall conduct himself in a very rude or disorderly manner, the presiding officer shall take cognizance of the fact and cause him to be fined in a sum not less than twenty five (25) cents or more than one (1) dollar according to the decision of a majority of the members present.
Article 19.
The names of all persons desiring admission to the company shall be presented to the Secretary, who shall give names of said persons to Standing Committee, for their consideration before action is taken
Article 10 Amend.
That we hold regular monthly meeting the first Wednesday of every month 7:30 PM
Article 21.
Rules Governing Uniforms.
Sect. 1: each member will have the care and keeping of his uniform and must be ready to bring it to the hose house for inspection by the foreman and standing committee at least twice a year.
Sect. 2: A member shall be allowed to wear his uniform whenever he wishes to do so, as a uniform that is with badge and cap.
Sect. 3: Any member who shall lose or destroy his uniform or any part thereof shall replace such uniform or part at his own expense.
Sect. 4: the Foreman with the Standing Committee shall form a board to have charge of all uniforms and have power to levy fines or charges, at their discretion, on any member who shall through carelessness or negligence injure the uniform in his keeping.
Article 22.
Death of a Member
Upon the death of a member, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to immediately notify every member to meet at the Hose house to take such action as they may deem best.
Article 2 Amend
The officers of the company shall consist of Captain, Lieutenant, Clerk, Treasurer, Steward, and Standing Committee of three to be chosen annually on the first Tuesday in May by ballot
(NOTE: we welcome transcriptions of pages 11 on)
(Page 96)
Apparatus of Hose No. 1
24 50 ft sections 2 1/2 " hose.
2 Chemicals.
3 Hose-pipes and 3 pipe reducers.
1 Y coupling.
1 Shut off coupling.
1 Axe.
1 Crowbar.
1 Gate wrench
2 Monkey wrenchs
4 Hydrant wrenchs.
1 Carriage wrench.
17 Hose wrenches.
12 Hose belts.
1 Hose jacket.
6 Ladder straps.
11 Army coats.
4 Rubber coats.
4 So. nesters.
2 Lanterns.
Original Format
Hard cover ledger, 8 x 14 inches; 100 pages (80+ blank)