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St. Casimir's Mass Card to Ben Sofka Family - ca 1974
Folded card with Happy Holidays greeting on the front.
Inside left message: On Christmas Day, When I am privileged to offer The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Commemorating the Birth of Christ, My special prayers for You and Your loved ones will be that Christ live in You through Faith, Encourage You through Hope, and Strengthen You through his Love. Rev. Louis S. Bilicky, Saint Casimir's Church, Maynard, Mass. May 5th 1974. It is inscribed Dear Rini, Ben, and Family, from Father Louis
Inside right shows a photo of Fr. Bilicky at the altar in St. Casimir's Church
Inside left message: On Christmas Day, When I am privileged to offer The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Commemorating the Birth of Christ, My special prayers for You and Your loved ones will be that Christ live in You through Faith, Encourage You through Hope, and Strengthen You through his Love. Rev. Louis S. Bilicky, Saint Casimir's Church, Maynard, Mass. May 5th 1974. It is inscribed Dear Rini, Ben, and Family, from Father Louis
Inside right shows a photo of Fr. Bilicky at the altar in St. Casimir's Church
St. Casimir's Church
ca Christmas 1974
Rini Sofka
Paper, folded card with included color photo, folded dimensions 4.5 x 6 in.
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