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  • Tags: American Woolen Company

A photo of employees who work in the Warping Department. These employees maintain machinery that uses strands of yarn to form heavier threads that will ultimately become a sixty inch finished width of fabric.

This photo shows some of the workers in the Dressing Room of the mills. The warp yarns from the dresser spools are combined and laid side by side as they are wound in sections on the dressing reel. This will ultimately furnish the warp threads for…

A photo showing the final examination of the fabrics as they are pulled over high racks. Inspectors reject or pass the finished pieces according to rigid standards set for the particular grades of fabric.

A photo of the woolen mill employees enjoying some after work fun taken in the Thompson Street field (now a parking lot). Front Row (l-r): Ed King, Jack Kane, Ed McManus, Ralph Sheridan, and John Hoffman; Back Row (l-r): Ed Hoffman, George Peterson,…

A photo of American Woolen Mills Company employees on a break. People moved to Maynard primarily to access job opportunities provided by the Maynard Mills. These were people of all races, religions, and nationalities.

A picture of the American Woolen Company Mills at full production in the early 1900's.

A photo of the Assabet Mills, Building #1, in 1918.

A picture taken behind the block at River Street of the Walnut Street Bridge (note: ball-type globes on street lights on bridge), back of billboards, and the twin smoke stacks of American Woolen Mills.

A picture of the American Woolen Mills, c. 1900, with the railroad embankment and bridge (later removed). In the background, behind Mill #5, are the tower on the home of Lorenzo Maynard, the upper part of Amory Maynard's home, and the tank house for…

A photo of the American Woolen Company Mills.

The book contains 580, 3 x 5 in., finished woolen samples that represent the various colors and textures of the cloth produced at the mill. Likely used by salesmen to show the available materials.

The book records 5653 orders for different color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over an eleven month period.

The book records 950 blends or mixtures of wool including the price per pound and total cost of the particular lot.

Four volumes that record the weight, percentage and types of wool used to produce various colors and types of cloth in each lot. Approximately 725 lots per volume.

Six volumes recording the lot number, description of blends, weight, cost, quality and waste for the production of various types of cloth.

The book has the date of order, date of carding and spinning , quantity and other information of the finished woolen cloth.

The book records orders for different quantity, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over a two year period.

The book records orders for different quantities, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over an eleven month period.

The book records orders for different quantities, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over a ten month period.

A ledger recording the real estate transfer of the property owned by the woolen company to private owners. The record indicates the purchase price, parcel location, interest payments and the balanced owed as of March 1936. Example shown is the…