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  • Tags: Town Building

A copy of the program used at the Formal Dedication of the Town Building.

Attending individuals:
Edgar M. Olsen, Rev. Richard D. Rintala, Jean T. Caisey, Stanley M. Kulik

Howard E. Boeske, Joseph F. Dineen, John H. McDonald

Edwin Carlton,…

Town Building and Library at 195 Main Street

A centennial-related display set up outside of Maynard Town Building at 195 Main St. The sign reads "Ye Old Nut House" (or Hot House?), RESERVED, Maynard 1871. The 3 name plates are for (l-r): Chief George Whalen, Chairman Howard Boeske, Chief Al…

Building completed in 1962 housing the library and the Town Center. Police department later (c.2000) also occupied part of the building.