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  • Tags: coal

An advertising card for the Litchfield Coal and Wood dealer in ca1900, Maynard, Mass. This card was found in a collection of memorabilia in a green scrapbook belonging to Reba Taylor.

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An advertising card for Wm. F. Litchfield, a coal and wood dealer, in Maynard, Mass., ca1900. This card was discovered in a green scrapbook of memorabilia belonging to Reba Taylor.


Two applications, Litchfield and South Acton Coal, to buy and sell coal during World War I.

Rubber disc used to grab jar lids for a better grip.

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Given to their ice customers. Whitney & Hastings operated an ice, fire wood and coal company out of Maynard and South Acton.

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The shovels were used to put coal in kitchen and parlor stoves. These were distributed by Maynard Coal Company, Lehigh Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. and D&H all-rail coal.

A promotional card supplied by Pocahontas Fuel Company of New York.