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  • Tags: tool

This is a type of mallet used on a farm for heavy duty work.

A woodsman's axe and log roller.

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An old steel hand drill.

This tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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An ice pick from the W. O. Strout & Co.

An old, green-painted bucksaw approximately 125 years old, used to cut cord wood.

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This wooden tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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This axe was presumably made in Stow. It bears the name of O. Sawyer and J. Rogers (etched in smaller letters below Sawyer) on the blade. It was found in the old barn at William Salo's. The Salo barn stood for many years on Great Rd. at theā€¦

A hand drill is a manual tool that converts and amplifies circular motion. Though it has been replaced in most applications by power drills, the hand drill is used by many woodworkers.

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