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Riverside Cooperative Association Handwritten Report - ca 1903
The original hand written report on the 25th Anniversary of the Cooperative, incorporated on November 12, 1878. It contains the names of the original incorporators.
ca 1903
Donated by Harold Cuttell who was the treasurer of the Association when it dissolved in 1936.
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On the 12 day of Nov twenty five years ago - a little band of men associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a Corporation to be known as the Riverside Cooperative Association of Maynard, with a capital of one thousand five hundred dollars, and having duly complied with the provisions of the Statues of the commonwealth of Mass in such cases, as certified by a certificate of the President, Treasurer and Directors, of said Corporation, was duly approved by the state Commissioner of Corporations, the principal object being to materally reduce the cost of living which prevailed here, and also to have a share in the profits.
Among the founders of the Association and well known to many of us, are the following: James Gradym=, Michael Twomey, Michael Sweeney, James B. Lord, Robert Wilson, James H. Long, Elias Roebuck, James Carney, Bernard Norton, David McEvoy, Joseph M. Hapgood, William Robinson, Samuel Wilson, Jonathan Cookson, Bernard R. McCormack, William Cullen, and others, these men were keen to observe the need og such a movement, and being working men, who were ambitious, were naturally inclined to better their condition, and reduce the price of some of the Articles used in every household, to such an extent, as will be seen by the following quotation from one of our local dealers,who said (for God's sake let up do you want to drive us out of business), but this did not swerve them from their purpose but instead only made the ties of Cooperation the stronger, and as most of them had the ideals of Corporation instilled in the them in the mother land were determined to make a success of the Riverside Cooperative Association of Maynard, and from this small beginning to which many of us know and can testify thereto, has grown this large and prosperous business. The Association like all other industries has had its ups and downs, but by wise and interested men who have put time and thought into carrying out its objects and purposes, and by looking after its interests as though it were their own have built up a business which every stockholder is justly proud, and which we hope will continue and grow till every family in our Town will be glad to become one of us and work to advance the interests of each other, from the beginning in the basement of Darling's Block untill the time when the needs of a building of our own seemed to be a necessity it has been a steady march onward untill today we are capitalized for $15,000.00 dollars.
Among the founders of the Association and well known to many of us, are the following: James Gradym=, Michael Twomey, Michael Sweeney, James B. Lord, Robert Wilson, James H. Long, Elias Roebuck, James Carney, Bernard Norton, David McEvoy, Joseph M. Hapgood, William Robinson, Samuel Wilson, Jonathan Cookson, Bernard R. McCormack, William Cullen, and others, these men were keen to observe the need og such a movement, and being working men, who were ambitious, were naturally inclined to better their condition, and reduce the price of some of the Articles used in every household, to such an extent, as will be seen by the following quotation from one of our local dealers,who said (for God's sake let up do you want to drive us out of business), but this did not swerve them from their purpose but instead only made the ties of Cooperation the stronger, and as most of them had the ideals of Corporation instilled in the them in the mother land were determined to make a success of the Riverside Cooperative Association of Maynard, and from this small beginning to which many of us know and can testify thereto, has grown this large and prosperous business. The Association like all other industries has had its ups and downs, but by wise and interested men who have put time and thought into carrying out its objects and purposes, and by looking after its interests as though it were their own have built up a business which every stockholder is justly proud, and which we hope will continue and grow till every family in our Town will be glad to become one of us and work to advance the interests of each other, from the beginning in the basement of Darling's Block untill the time when the needs of a building of our own seemed to be a necessity it has been a steady march onward untill today we are capitalized for $15,000.00 dollars.
Original Format
Paper 5x8in 5 pages
Riverside Cooperative Association folder