Dublin Core
Maynard and Stow Directory 1887-8
"Contains a complete resident, street and business directory, town officiers, schools, societies, churches, post office etc..." This book contains a lising of all residents of Maynard and Stow, witlh their occupations and some very interesting advertising of the time.
Donated by Mrs. Ruth Clair
A. E. Foss & Co.
Chronical Steam Press
Chronical Steam Press
Document Item Type Metadata
(Seachable names, see scanned pages)
Maynard Residents
Abbott Adams Akroyd Alexander Allen Anderson Auslane Axford Bailey Balcam Bancroft Banks Banning Barnes Barnett Batley Belcher Benleso Bennell Bent Bergstram Billingston Binks Binns Bishop Blood Blye Brackett Bracts Bradford Bramley Brayden Brennan Brewer Briendley Briggs Brigham Brimstin Brodeur Brooks Brotherson Brown Buckley Burke Burnham Burns Butcher Butters Butterworth Byrne Cahill Callahan Campbell Carey Carmichael Carney Carpenter Carr Carter Carver Carvey Case Casey Cash Cashan Caswell Champagne Champion Chapin Cheney Church Claflin Clark Clayton Cleary Clegg Clemant Coffin Colbarth Collins Comeau Conant Conley Connolly Connor Cook Cooper Corcaran Costelo Coster Coughin Coulter Counihan Croft Creighton Cronan Crosby Crossley Crowley Cullen Cunningham Currie Curtis Cushing Cutting Dacey Daley Davis Dawson Deane Delaney Demerteni Denniston Dettling Devine Dillacore Dimerey Docherty Doherty Dolan Dona Donovan Dooner Doyle Drew Driscoll Duffy Dugan Dunn Dunsmore Durkan Dyson Egan Eaton Edwards Eich Ellam Elliot Erickson Everett Fairbanks Farwell Farrell Feeley Felch Felthan Fennif Ferns Fish Fisher Fitzpatrick Fix Flannigan Fletcher Flood Floody Flynn Fowler Fox Freeman Garfield Garret Geary Getchell Gibbs Gilroy Ginell Glines Goding Goodnow Goodsill Gove Graham Greeley Green Greenhalge Greer Gutteridge Haigh Haley Hall Hanlon Hanna Hannon Hansen Hapgood Hardcastle Haire Harriman Hart Hartman Harwood Hastings Hatch Haynes Hayward Henderson Hess Hibberd Higgins Hilferty Hill Hillis Hird Hodges Holland Holmes Holt Hooper Howard Hughes Hunt Hunter Huntoon Hurley Hyde Irwin Jackson James Jameson Jannell Johnson Jones Jordan Jormal Joyce Jubb Kaler keefe Keegan Kelly Kelsey Kempton Kennedy Kenney Kenny Kennison Kerr Kershaw Kiernan Kimmel King Kivlehan Klatzer Knight Kranberry Lamson Lane Langis Larkin Law Lawler Lawson Lawton Leary Ledyard Ledger Lee Lehy Lemoine Leyden Libby Lingley Lithgrow Little Livingston Lockwood Loewe Long Lord Lovell Lowe Lund Lynch Lyons Mahler Mahon Mahoney Malcom Mallinson Manley Mann Manning Manson Marble Marchant Marra Mardsh Marston Martin Mason Matherson May Maynard McAuliff McAvory McCabe McCaig McCarthy McCleary McClure McCormick McDougall McGown McGrail McGrath McGregor McGuire McInnis McIntyre McKenna McKenzie McKinsey McLaughlin McMahon McPhial McQuillen McWilliams Meade Mears Melwy Meskill MIdwood Miller MItchell Monodict Monroe Moore Moran Morgan Morris Morrison Morton Mosier Moynehan Moynihan Muldoon Mullen Murdock Murphy Murray Myers Nagle Naylor Nee Nelson Newcomb Newman Newton NIcholds Noonan Nuttng Nyman O'Brien O'Connor O'Daniel O'Donnell Oliver Ollis Olsen O'Neil Owen Packard Page Parker Parkin Parkinson Parks Parmenter Patterson Paton Penny Persons Peters Phelps Phillips Pike Pineo Platt Pond Potter Pow Powers Pratt Prest Prince Pringle Punch Quinn Raferty Rand Randall Rarlson Ratcliffe Reagan Redfearn Reed Reeves Reynolds Rhule Rich Richardson Riley Riordan Roberts Robertson Robinson Rockford Rogers Rollinson Rooney Ross Rosue Rowell Rowley Royes Russell Ryan Salisbury Sanders Sanford Sawyer Saxton Scamell Schwartzenburg Scott Sculley Severson Sharpe Sharron Shattuck Shaw Shea Sheridan Shearidin Shearer Sheehan Sherwood Shine Silcocks Simms Singer Singleton Slyvert Smethurst Smith Smithson Sohlmer Spain Stanley Stanlon Stark Starling
StClair Stolpre Stott Stuart Sullivan Sunderson Swanton Sweeney Sylvester Syrea Tallis Tallon Tarbell Tarpey Taylor Thane Thayer Thimot Thompson Tifft Tilley Tilton Tobey Toomey Tourtellot Towne Townsend Trainer Trent Tripp Trunbll Tucker Tufts Turner Uhl Usher Veitch Vineca Vose Wagner Walcott Waldron Walker Wall Warren Warwick Watson Weaving Webster Wellington Wellman Wells Wentworth Wetherbee Whalen Whitcomb White Whitehead Whitehouse Whitman Whitney Wignall Wilcomb Wilder Williams Wilson Winkley Wolfe Wollerschied Wood Woodart Wooley Worsnip Wouldhave Wright Yenson
Stow Residents:
Allen Ames Atherton Austin Bacon Baker Barton Bede Bemis Bent Bezanson Bond Bradley Bray Brogan Brown Bruce Burgess Burnam Cahill Carlisle Carr Carruthers Cassell Chandler Chisholm Churchill Clark Cogan Conant Conway Crandell Crimmings Croft Cross Crouch Curtis Dankard Davidson Davis Dearden Derby Dewmaw DeWolf Doyle Dwinells Early Elson Evans Fairbanks Faxon Feather Fitch Ftizgerald Flanders Fletcher Folkins Folsom Forbush Foster Fowler Gately Gates Greers Gleason Goddard Goding Golding Goldsmith Goodnow Green Greeno Hale Hanslip Hapgood Hayes Haynes Hayward Hemenway Hern Herrick Hildreth Houghton Howe Hughes Hunter Illingsworth Jackman Joyce Kane King Keyes Knox Lawrence Laybolt Lewis Libby Lincoln Lippman Livermore Lynch Lyons Mann Marshall Maynard McCarthy McGrath McGuire McLeod McPick Mentzer Midwood Miles Monroe Moore Moynihan Mulcahey Murdock Murphy Nelson Nevins Newhall Nye O'Brien Packard Page Parker Parks Patterson Peck Perry Peters Peterson Phillips Porter Pottcer Priest Puffer Rand Randall Ray Reardon Riche Ridley Riardan Robbins Roberts Robinson Rockwell Rodgers Rogers Rollinson Royce Rudolph Salisbury Samson Sargent Scott Shaughnessy Shearmur Sherman Shortsleeve Silloway Smith Spollen Sprague Stearns Stevens Stow Stronach Strout Soper Sullivan Swift Taylor Teels Tenney Thompson Thorn Thorndike Touhey Turnbull Tuttle Underwood Vadakin Walcott Wall Ware Warner Warren Weeks Wetherbee Wheeler Whitcomb White Whiting Whitener Whitmarsh Whitney Wilder Wilkins Willard Willis Wood Wright
Maynard Residents
Abbott Adams Akroyd Alexander Allen Anderson Auslane Axford Bailey Balcam Bancroft Banks Banning Barnes Barnett Batley Belcher Benleso Bennell Bent Bergstram Billingston Binks Binns Bishop Blood Blye Brackett Bracts Bradford Bramley Brayden Brennan Brewer Briendley Briggs Brigham Brimstin Brodeur Brooks Brotherson Brown Buckley Burke Burnham Burns Butcher Butters Butterworth Byrne Cahill Callahan Campbell Carey Carmichael Carney Carpenter Carr Carter Carver Carvey Case Casey Cash Cashan Caswell Champagne Champion Chapin Cheney Church Claflin Clark Clayton Cleary Clegg Clemant Coffin Colbarth Collins Comeau Conant Conley Connolly Connor Cook Cooper Corcaran Costelo Coster Coughin Coulter Counihan Croft Creighton Cronan Crosby Crossley Crowley Cullen Cunningham Currie Curtis Cushing Cutting Dacey Daley Davis Dawson Deane Delaney Demerteni Denniston Dettling Devine Dillacore Dimerey Docherty Doherty Dolan Dona Donovan Dooner Doyle Drew Driscoll Duffy Dugan Dunn Dunsmore Durkan Dyson Egan Eaton Edwards Eich Ellam Elliot Erickson Everett Fairbanks Farwell Farrell Feeley Felch Felthan Fennif Ferns Fish Fisher Fitzpatrick Fix Flannigan Fletcher Flood Floody Flynn Fowler Fox Freeman Garfield Garret Geary Getchell Gibbs Gilroy Ginell Glines Goding Goodnow Goodsill Gove Graham Greeley Green Greenhalge Greer Gutteridge Haigh Haley Hall Hanlon Hanna Hannon Hansen Hapgood Hardcastle Haire Harriman Hart Hartman Harwood Hastings Hatch Haynes Hayward Henderson Hess Hibberd Higgins Hilferty Hill Hillis Hird Hodges Holland Holmes Holt Hooper Howard Hughes Hunt Hunter Huntoon Hurley Hyde Irwin Jackson James Jameson Jannell Johnson Jones Jordan Jormal Joyce Jubb Kaler keefe Keegan Kelly Kelsey Kempton Kennedy Kenney Kenny Kennison Kerr Kershaw Kiernan Kimmel King Kivlehan Klatzer Knight Kranberry Lamson Lane Langis Larkin Law Lawler Lawson Lawton Leary Ledyard Ledger Lee Lehy Lemoine Leyden Libby Lingley Lithgrow Little Livingston Lockwood Loewe Long Lord Lovell Lowe Lund Lynch Lyons Mahler Mahon Mahoney Malcom Mallinson Manley Mann Manning Manson Marble Marchant Marra Mardsh Marston Martin Mason Matherson May Maynard McAuliff McAvory McCabe McCaig McCarthy McCleary McClure McCormick McDougall McGown McGrail McGrath McGregor McGuire McInnis McIntyre McKenna McKenzie McKinsey McLaughlin McMahon McPhial McQuillen McWilliams Meade Mears Melwy Meskill MIdwood Miller MItchell Monodict Monroe Moore Moran Morgan Morris Morrison Morton Mosier Moynehan Moynihan Muldoon Mullen Murdock Murphy Murray Myers Nagle Naylor Nee Nelson Newcomb Newman Newton NIcholds Noonan Nuttng Nyman O'Brien O'Connor O'Daniel O'Donnell Oliver Ollis Olsen O'Neil Owen Packard Page Parker Parkin Parkinson Parks Parmenter Patterson Paton Penny Persons Peters Phelps Phillips Pike Pineo Platt Pond Potter Pow Powers Pratt Prest Prince Pringle Punch Quinn Raferty Rand Randall Rarlson Ratcliffe Reagan Redfearn Reed Reeves Reynolds Rhule Rich Richardson Riley Riordan Roberts Robertson Robinson Rockford Rogers Rollinson Rooney Ross Rosue Rowell Rowley Royes Russell Ryan Salisbury Sanders Sanford Sawyer Saxton Scamell Schwartzenburg Scott Sculley Severson Sharpe Sharron Shattuck Shaw Shea Sheridan Shearidin Shearer Sheehan Sherwood Shine Silcocks Simms Singer Singleton Slyvert Smethurst Smith Smithson Sohlmer Spain Stanley Stanlon Stark Starling
StClair Stolpre Stott Stuart Sullivan Sunderson Swanton Sweeney Sylvester Syrea Tallis Tallon Tarbell Tarpey Taylor Thane Thayer Thimot Thompson Tifft Tilley Tilton Tobey Toomey Tourtellot Towne Townsend Trainer Trent Tripp Trunbll Tucker Tufts Turner Uhl Usher Veitch Vineca Vose Wagner Walcott Waldron Walker Wall Warren Warwick Watson Weaving Webster Wellington Wellman Wells Wentworth Wetherbee Whalen Whitcomb White Whitehead Whitehouse Whitman Whitney Wignall Wilcomb Wilder Williams Wilson Winkley Wolfe Wollerschied Wood Woodart Wooley Worsnip Wouldhave Wright Yenson
Stow Residents:
Allen Ames Atherton Austin Bacon Baker Barton Bede Bemis Bent Bezanson Bond Bradley Bray Brogan Brown Bruce Burgess Burnam Cahill Carlisle Carr Carruthers Cassell Chandler Chisholm Churchill Clark Cogan Conant Conway Crandell Crimmings Croft Cross Crouch Curtis Dankard Davidson Davis Dearden Derby Dewmaw DeWolf Doyle Dwinells Early Elson Evans Fairbanks Faxon Feather Fitch Ftizgerald Flanders Fletcher Folkins Folsom Forbush Foster Fowler Gately Gates Greers Gleason Goddard Goding Golding Goldsmith Goodnow Green Greeno Hale Hanslip Hapgood Hayes Haynes Hayward Hemenway Hern Herrick Hildreth Houghton Howe Hughes Hunter Illingsworth Jackman Joyce Kane King Keyes Knox Lawrence Laybolt Lewis Libby Lincoln Lippman Livermore Lynch Lyons Mann Marshall Maynard McCarthy McGrath McGuire McLeod McPick Mentzer Midwood Miles Monroe Moore Moynihan Mulcahey Murdock Murphy Nelson Nevins Newhall Nye O'Brien Packard Page Parker Parks Patterson Peck Perry Peters Peterson Phillips Porter Pottcer Priest Puffer Rand Randall Ray Reardon Riche Ridley Riardan Robbins Roberts Robinson Rockwell Rodgers Rogers Rollinson Royce Rudolph Salisbury Samson Sargent Scott Shaughnessy Shearmur Sherman Shortsleeve Silloway Smith Spollen Sprague Stearns Stevens Stow Stronach Strout Soper Sullivan Swift Taylor Teels Tenney Thompson Thorn Thorndike Touhey Turnbull Tuttle Underwood Vadakin Walcott Wall Ware Warner Warren Weeks Wetherbee Wheeler Whitcomb White Whiting Whitener Whitmarsh Whitney Wilder Wilkins Willard Willis Wood Wright
Original Format
Hard covered book, 6 x 8 in, 83 pages; 2 copies
Note: The original pages were misnumbered, there are no pages 24-25
Note: The original pages were misnumbered, there are no pages 24-25