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Program for the Presentation of the Army-Navy "E" Award - 1943
American Powder Division
American Cyanamid & Chemical Corporation
Maynard, Mass.
American Powder Division
American Cyanamid & Chemical Corporation
Maynard, Mass.
The "E" or Excellence Award was given to plants for outstanding contribution to the war effort. About 5% of the plants in existence during WWII received the award.
Master of Ceremonies: Harold J. Morgan
Greetings of the Community: George A. Morse
Acceptance of Award Pennant: William H. Heffernan
Employee Representative: Fred G. Jones, Michael Murray, Rufus E. Burgess
Master of Ceremonies: Harold J. Morgan
Greetings of the Community: George A. Morse
Acceptance of Award Pennant: William H. Heffernan
Employee Representative: Fred G. Jones, Michael Murray, Rufus E. Burgess
April 16, 1943
Donated by
William Salo
William Clark
Wilbur Clark
Document Item Type Metadata
American Powder Division Men in the Service of their Country.
Eino Ahola, Elmer W. Amero, Henry Asbjornsen, Sidney R. Ballou, Harold C. Carlson, Allan Chisholm, James P. Conheeney, Joseph C. Dolan, Walter R. Fogg, Anthony Grigas, Lauri Hyvarila, George Johnson, William Joyce, Roy D. Lent, Gilbert B. Mann, Archibald MacPherson, William Olsen, John Punch, Matti Pulkkinen, Albert F. Spiller, Gerald Spratt, Anthony Vitkauskas, Harold Vose, Walter Whalen, William Worthington
Eino Ahola, Elmer W. Amero, Henry Asbjornsen, Sidney R. Ballou, Harold C. Carlson, Allan Chisholm, James P. Conheeney, Joseph C. Dolan, Walter R. Fogg, Anthony Grigas, Lauri Hyvarila, George Johnson, William Joyce, Roy D. Lent, Gilbert B. Mann, Archibald MacPherson, William Olsen, John Punch, Matti Pulkkinen, Albert F. Spiller, Gerald Spratt, Anthony Vitkauskas, Harold Vose, Walter Whalen, William Worthington
Original Format
4 page program, 6 x 9 in., two copies