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File Folder for Maynard Businesses
The file contains odds and ends of the various businesses that have come and gone in the Town of Maynard.
Document Item Type Metadata
Included in the file are documents referring to the following:
Alina's Beauty Salon, American Supply Co., Anthony Popieniuck Groceries, Assabet Club, Assabet River Rail Trail, Art Space, Assabet Village Marketplace, Atkins & Merrill, Automobile Dealers
Bakeries, Banks (Assabet Savings Bank, Assabet Institution for Savings, Middlesex Savings Bank, Maynard Trust Company, Maynard Consumer Credit Union, Progressive Consumers Credit Union), Bachrach's Super Market, Bay State Typewriter, Bradley Container, business cards, Butler Lumber, Bagel Stop
Carbone's Twin Tree (Alphonse's), Chaffee Millwork,Chandler, Howard & Co. Chamber of Commerce cigars, China Ruby Restaurant, Christie's, clothing companies, coffee shops, Coughlan's Livery
Data Terminal, Deeks Antiques, Dunn Oil
The Finishing Touch, Firestone, Freeman & Clancy Heating & Plumbing, funeral homes
gas company, gas stations, Garden City Trust Co, Great Road Dodge, grocery stores
Harriman Brothers Laundry, Hathaway's Donut House, Hayes Development, Haynes, Henderson, hotels, Houghton's Express, The House Doctor
ice houses, insurance
J. J. Newberry, Joseph's Market Groceries and Provisions
Landos, Litchfield, Lou's Express Café
Maplecrest, Maydale, Keto, Maynard & Acton Oil Co., Maynard Men's Shop, Maynard Wallpaper & Paint, Gramps Garage, Babicos, Maynard Supply Co., meat markets, Salamones, Maynard Fruit and Produce Company, Maynard Meat Market, Medical Businesses, Jacobs, Middlesex Laundry, Mill Pond Village, Monster, Movie Theaters, Murphy & Snyder, Maynard Shoe Service
Peoples Theater, Fine Arts Theater, Colonial, Coughlan, Frank J. Pazaricky
Newspapers, Enterprise Weekly, Maynard Beacon
Parker & Morse, Parker Hardware, Paper Stores, Leggard, Anderson, Sanderson, C. H. Persons, Peter Verheyen Antiques, Pharmacies, Photography, Samuel's, Prescott Paints, Pugsley's Esso
Real Estate, Restaurants
Salamones, Saracen Properties (Mill & Main), Sea Change, Steam Baths, Stone's Mobile Lok-Shop, Stratus Technologies, Supermarkets
Telephone, Thrift Shop, B. F. Townsend, T. C. Lando's Pizzeria, T.F. Muldoon, Terry's Barber Shop
Vernon Powell Flutes, F. W. Woolworth's.
Alina's Beauty Salon, American Supply Co., Anthony Popieniuck Groceries, Assabet Club, Assabet River Rail Trail, Art Space, Assabet Village Marketplace, Atkins & Merrill, Automobile Dealers
Bakeries, Banks (Assabet Savings Bank, Assabet Institution for Savings, Middlesex Savings Bank, Maynard Trust Company, Maynard Consumer Credit Union, Progressive Consumers Credit Union), Bachrach's Super Market, Bay State Typewriter, Bradley Container, business cards, Butler Lumber, Bagel Stop
Carbone's Twin Tree (Alphonse's), Chaffee Millwork,Chandler, Howard & Co. Chamber of Commerce cigars, China Ruby Restaurant, Christie's, clothing companies, coffee shops, Coughlan's Livery
Data Terminal, Deeks Antiques, Dunn Oil
The Finishing Touch, Firestone, Freeman & Clancy Heating & Plumbing, funeral homes
gas company, gas stations, Garden City Trust Co, Great Road Dodge, grocery stores
Harriman Brothers Laundry, Hathaway's Donut House, Hayes Development, Haynes, Henderson, hotels, Houghton's Express, The House Doctor
ice houses, insurance
J. J. Newberry, Joseph's Market Groceries and Provisions
Landos, Litchfield, Lou's Express Café
Maplecrest, Maydale, Keto, Maynard & Acton Oil Co., Maynard Men's Shop, Maynard Wallpaper & Paint, Gramps Garage, Babicos, Maynard Supply Co., meat markets, Salamones, Maynard Fruit and Produce Company, Maynard Meat Market, Medical Businesses, Jacobs, Middlesex Laundry, Mill Pond Village, Monster, Movie Theaters, Murphy & Snyder, Maynard Shoe Service
Peoples Theater, Fine Arts Theater, Colonial, Coughlan, Frank J. Pazaricky
Newspapers, Enterprise Weekly, Maynard Beacon
Parker & Morse, Parker Hardware, Paper Stores, Leggard, Anderson, Sanderson, C. H. Persons, Peter Verheyen Antiques, Pharmacies, Photography, Samuel's, Prescott Paints, Pugsley's Esso
Real Estate, Restaurants
Salamones, Saracen Properties (Mill & Main), Sea Change, Steam Baths, Stone's Mobile Lok-Shop, Stratus Technologies, Supermarkets
Telephone, Thrift Shop, B. F. Townsend, T. C. Lando's Pizzeria, T.F. Muldoon, Terry's Barber Shop
Vernon Powell Flutes, F. W. Woolworth's.