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File Folder of Calendars, Menus, & Almanacs
A series of calendars, datebooks, menus, and almanacs from local businesses. The calendars date from 1959 to 2008. The businesses include: BayBank Savings, L. A. Boeske, Century 21 Realty, J. F. Cleary, Donelan's Red & White Super Market, Dunn Oil (Almanac), Edna's Beauty Shop, Erikson's Dairy, A. Fletcher & Son, Fred's Radio & TV, Hawes Florist, Johnson Pharmacy, John's One Hour Cleaners, John C. King Insurance Agency, Harold Ledgard Realty, Littlefield Insurance Co., Maynard Area Auto Club, Maynard Community Calendar, , Middlesex Savings Bank, Millstream Package Store, Pugsley's Savon Gas, Russo's Inc., Town Planner, W.A. Twombly, WAVM(MHS) & Robert P. Whitehouse. Menus include; Alphonse's Powder Mill Restaurant, John Joseph's, and P.J. Whitney's Saloon & Eatery.
The John Joseph's Restaurant was founded by the Russo Family and was successful for many years. It then became Antonia's Restaurant, and now is a Chinese restaurant.
The Dr. Miles calendar cover photo and related essay about headache and neuralgia were part of a calendar issued by the Johnson Pharmacy, Maynard, MA, date unknown.
A collection of Farmers Almanacs and a Herrick Almanac are included.
The John Joseph's Restaurant was founded by the Russo Family and was successful for many years. It then became Antonia's Restaurant, and now is a Chinese restaurant.
The Dr. Miles calendar cover photo and related essay about headache and neuralgia were part of a calendar issued by the Johnson Pharmacy, Maynard, MA, date unknown.
A collection of Farmers Almanacs and a Herrick Almanac are included.
1959-01-01 to 2008-01-01.
The John Joseph's Restaurant menu was donated by Leonard Adams of Littleton, MA.
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