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Unidentified Maynard Eagle Patch & Tie Clip
Cloth patch with an embroidered idealized eagle and name Maynard and a white eagle tie clip. No information on group that might have sponsored these items.
The coat of arms of Poland is a white, crowned eagle with a golden beak and talons, on a…
The coat of arms of Poland is a white, crowned eagle with a golden beak and talons, on a…
Unidentified Young Boy - ca.1890
This is a cabinet card photographed by C. D. Holmes, a long time Maynard photographer. The boy seems to be 10 -12 years old.
Unidentied Group Portrait, not in Maynard
Possible photo of a Woolen Workers Union gathering, Chicoppee, Mass.
Unidentified Portrait
Unknown formal portrait, maybe town official, woolen mill executive, doctor etc...
Wedding Party Portrait
This formal wedding photograph is unidentified. The date is estimated by wedding dress and C.D. Holmes photography business.
Unknown Girl at Glenwood Cemetery- pre. 1938
The tree next to unidentified female was blown down during the 1938 hurricane. The gazebo is seen in the background.
Swimming at Lake Boon - ca.1910
Four photographs of unidentified females in full bathing attire enjoying a swim in the lake.
Women knitting on Porch
This house is not identified. The women seems to be working on her needle point or knitting. Her clothing suggests early 1900's.
Gentleman displaying a dress on Nason Street
Unknown man standing in front of Bachrack's Market in the Knight of Columbus building near the corner of Nason and Summer Streets.
Confirmation at St. Bridget's
Unidentified people posing with Archbishop Richard Cardinal Cushing on the occasion of a Confirmation at St. Bridget's Church..
Woman and Two Young Girls
A faded photo of an adult woman and two young girls. It is labeled Hazel, Grandma, and Munroe on the back.