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  • Tags: Holmes

George Elson acquired photography business from C. D. Holmes in 1912 . He ran the business until the 1930's.

Attached thumbnail is a newspaper article form the Friday Dec 29, 1911 issue of "The Maynard News".

These 8 formal photographs were taken by C. D. Holmes and mounted as Cabinet Cards. None of the subjects are identified.

This is his Maynard High School senior class picture.

This is his Maynard High School senior class picture.

This is her Maynard High School senior class picture. Julia was the daughter of John Henry White and Julia Buckley White.

This is his Maynard High School senior class picture.

This is her Maynard High School senior picture.

This is her Maynard High School 1897 senior class picture.
The second photo has been edited to remove the scratches on the original picture. Annie Buckley was the daughter of Timothy Buckley, well-known and long-time resident of Maynard, Mass, and…

Unidentified family group taken at Holmes photographic studio.

A formal photograph of a young Leslie Sims.

A. M. Osgood was the 21st minister of the Maynard Methodist Church serving from 1912-1917. The history of the church extends back to when the area was referred to as Assabet Village. Church organization was discussed at a meeting for the purpose of…

This photo was taken soon after the construction of the building at the corner of Summer and Main Street. The reverse side of the photo has a note that reads "X mark rooms we had Sunday School in before church was built. Maple House Hotel, right…

A photo of the Maynard Baseball Team.

P. Mitchell, J. Coulter, C. D. Holmes, J, McSween, Larkin, J. Connors

An example of a Cabinet Card that were common from the 1870's through the early 1900's. The cards were approximately 4 x 6 in. with a…

l to r seated
John Brayden, John Denniston,
standing unidentified

A Cabinet Card with a photo mounted on stiff cardboard stock. So name because the picture can be seen when propped on a cabinet. Dimensions were 4 x 6 in. with room for the…