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Elson Photography Business Label


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Elson Photography Business Label


George Elson acquired photography business from C. D. Holmes in 1912 . He ran the business until the 1930's.

Attached thumbnail is a newspaper article form the Friday Dec 29, 1911 issue of "The Maynard News".


Acton Historical Society



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Newspaper clipping:

Photographer C. D. Holmes Succeeded by George D. Elson

A photographer for forty-five years, Charles D. Holmes, who for the past twenty-five years has carried on this business in Maynard, has decided to give up active life and has sold out his studio to George D. Elson, who assumes charge next Monday.

Mr. Holmes is without doubt one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in point of service, active photographer in New-England. Since coming to Maynard twenty-five years ago, Mr. Holmes has built up a very lucrative business and is fully able to retire and pass the remainder of his life in rest, without worry.

He has a beautiful residence on Brooks street, and will continue to reside there with his niece, Miss Edna Denniston, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Dunsmore.

Since the death of his wife three weeks ago, Mr. Holmes has had no desire to conduct the business alone, as she was his helpmate in his photography work ever since their marriage, twenty-four years ago, and as he has no immediate family there was no incentive for him to continue, thus his decision to sell out.

When but eighteen years of age, Mr. Holmes was engaged in what after developed into the present photography business. At that time he made what was called the old ambrotypes, so that his years of experience was partly instrumental in making him one of the best men at his trade in this part of the state, and people from all around came to his studio to have their work done.

Born in Ledyard, Conn., sixty-eight years ago, Mr. Holmes spent his early boyhood and received his early education in that historic town. He also lived in Mystic, Conn., and when the Civil war broke out he was one of the very first to enlist. He joined the first R. I. regiment, for three months, after which he re-enlisted in the third regiment, R. I. artillery, commanded by General Charles R. Brayton, serving throughout the war of four years with distinction.

After leaving the army, Mr. Holmes' love for things military never ceased and to this day, he admits, his greatest ambition would be to follow up the science of war.

After the war, Mr. Holmes resumed his original employment and carried on the business in several places, the longest period, ten years, being spent in Worcester, from which city he came to Maynard.

Shortly after coming to Maynard he married Miss Margaret Dunsmore, and since then has by faithful attention to work, and with the able assistance of his wife, been able to save a goodly share of this world's goods. He has been an ideal citizen of the town and one of its representative business men.

Early in his career here, Mr. Holmes was actively engaged in baseball and managed one of the best teams that every represented the town. He has always loved the sport and never allows a season to pass without seeing a number of professional games.

Although tied down night and day to his business he never forgot his loyalty to the old Republie and is one of the most enthusiastic G. A. R. men in New England. For years "Old Glory" has swayed from his studio window on every occasion of national importance.

Mr. Holmes has always been one of the most ardent Republicans in town, and his G. A. R. affiliations and political faith are two creeds that he has never failed to live up to in word and deed.

He retires from business with the best wishes and highest esteem of the townspeople, who hope that he may enjoy the remainder of his days, which should be many, as Mr. Holmes is a very active man today, in peace and comfort.

Original Format

Paper, 1 x 2 in.


Elson Folder