Dublin Core
Autograph Album - 1884
Mary A. Peters
Mary A. Peters
This autograph album was the property of Miss Mary A. Peters, Maynard, Mass. She was married to Mr. Frank E. Sanderson, September 24 1902. Miss Peters was a great grand-daughter of Amory Maynard.
Donated by Frank E. Sanderson
Document Item Type Metadata
The sample page signature is George N. Salisbury.
Other autographs include:
Nancy L. Peters, Marion H. Garfield, Nettie E. Lord, Mrs. James R. Lord, Mabel A. Connors, Lilly Brooks, A. Veitch, Mary E. Hagerty, Harry Russell, John H. Carter, Elsie f. Stuart, Mabel L. Stuart, James Henry Clayton, Mary H. Sweatt, Mary H. Veitch, Freddie Tinker, Emily A. Gordon, Teresa M. Russell, Mamie Moynihan, Alice Bradford, Jennie Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth Veitch, Helen J. Veitch, Charles W. Clayton, Mrs.Jennie Clayton, Mrs. Addie J. Thompson, Effie M. Cheney, Lorrie Parsell, Jessie H. Sanderson, John May, Francis B. Harwood, Isabella Brooks, Laura E. Woodart, Florence Woodart, Lessie L. Maynard, Mary May, Mrs. Levi Cheney, Bertha A. Herold, E. H. Priestley, Irene Peters
Other autographs include:
Nancy L. Peters, Marion H. Garfield, Nettie E. Lord, Mrs. James R. Lord, Mabel A. Connors, Lilly Brooks, A. Veitch, Mary E. Hagerty, Harry Russell, John H. Carter, Elsie f. Stuart, Mabel L. Stuart, James Henry Clayton, Mary H. Sweatt, Mary H. Veitch, Freddie Tinker, Emily A. Gordon, Teresa M. Russell, Mamie Moynihan, Alice Bradford, Jennie Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth Veitch, Helen J. Veitch, Charles W. Clayton, Mrs.Jennie Clayton, Mrs. Addie J. Thompson, Effie M. Cheney, Lorrie Parsell, Jessie H. Sanderson, John May, Francis B. Harwood, Isabella Brooks, Laura E. Woodart, Florence Woodart, Lessie L. Maynard, Mary May, Mrs. Levi Cheney, Bertha A. Herold, E. H. Priestley, Irene Peters
Original Format
Book, 4 x 7 in, 50 pages