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Hook and Ladder, No. 1 - 1891
Maynard Fire Department
The church to the right is St. Bridget's, then located on Main St. where this picture was taken.
Identified people
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Del Martin, William Clements, Henry Ledgard, Joshua Edwards, James Murray, James Cleary, Joshua Edwards, Asahel Haynes,…
Identified people
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Del Martin, William Clements, Henry Ledgard, Joshua Edwards, James Murray, James Cleary, Joshua Edwards, Asahel Haynes,…
Centennial Monograph: Little Known Organizations
In the early days of Maynard's history three organizations sprang up (which we have little information on): "Congress of Friends", "Order of Alfredians", and "Nashoba Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men".
Photographs from the Ralph Cheney Estate - 1900 ca
A collection of five photograph albums donated by the Ralph Cheney Estate. The photos appear to be turn-of-the century, 1900's ca. The majority of photos are unidentified. Of those posted, two photos are of Levi Cheney, one is a group of men on the…
Maynard Business Men's Association Outing - 1911
The Maynard Businessman and the Cambridge Businessman had a joint outing for many years.
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Front row: W. B. Case, James Eaton, James Coughlan, Dr. Clifford King, P. J. Sullivan, (Fr. Crowe's brother), Rev. John A. Crowe, Joseph Gately, Frank…
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Front row: W. B. Case, James Eaton, James Coughlan, Dr. Clifford King, P. J. Sullivan, (Fr. Crowe's brother), Rev. John A. Crowe, Joseph Gately, Frank…
Levi Cheney
Two articles belonging to Levi Cheney. One is a certification of Levi Cheney's membership in Lodge 131, I.O.O.F. for 43 years. It is dated January 18, 1928. He joined April 2, 1884. Levi Cheney was a member for nearly 53 years. He died in January…
File Folder of Obituaries
A collection of newspaper obituaries of individuals with a Maynard connection .
Armanda Alving, Elsie L. Anderson, Harold Andrew, John Archer, Mrs. John Archer, Joseph Armitage, Elizabeth Axford
Jane McInnes Bain, Jane Bain, Mungo Bain,…
Armanda Alving, Elsie L. Anderson, Harold Andrew, John Archer, Mrs. John Archer, Joseph Armitage, Elizabeth Axford
Jane McInnes Bain, Jane Bain, Mungo Bain,…
Officers of the George A. Welch Masonic Lodge - ca 1900
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Front: Thomas Deane, __?, __?, __?, Orrin Fowler, __?
Rear: __?, Levi Cheney, __?, L.D. Wilson, William Naylor, Wilder Macurda, O. C. Dreschler, __?
Front: Thomas Deane, __?, __?, __?, Orrin Fowler, __?
Rear: __?, Levi Cheney, __?, L.D. Wilson, William Naylor, Wilder Macurda, O. C. Dreschler, __?
Hook and Ladder No. 1 - 1891
Maynard Fire Department
The building on the right was the first Catholic Church at Assabet Village (now Maynard), built in 1865.
Firemen l to r
Front: James Murray, Frank Rhul (John Lawler ?), Allie Martin, Robert Denniston, Levi Cheney, William McAuslin, Jesse Sims,…
Firemen l to r
Front: James Murray, Frank Rhul (John Lawler ?), Allie Martin, Robert Denniston, Levi Cheney, William McAuslin, Jesse Sims,…
Autograph Album - 1884
Mary A. Peters
This autograph album was the property of Miss Mary A. Peters, Maynard, Mass. She was married to Mr. Frank E. Sanderson, September 24 1902. Miss Peters was a great grand-daughter of Amory Maynard.