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  • Tags: Leo Comeau

A metal sign that was removed from a garage used by Leo Comeau for storage of his ice truck and equipment.

Before the widespread availability of refrigeration one of the only way to keep things cool was with ice. Fresh water supplies, such as the Assabet River flowing through town, was a source of ice during the winter and a major industry grew up around…

At the turn of the 20th century the "Maynard Players" was the source of dramatic productions in Maynard, but it had gone inactive. In 1936 some new folks in town tried to revive the old group, but were unable - so they formed a new troupe: the…

Some of the models have been painted. One with Maydale Ginger Ale and another with J. Leo Comeau.
The toys are described as: Express Wagon-Horse Drawn, Ice Wagon-Horse Drawn, Fire Engine and Two Horses, Wagon and Horse, Maydale Deliver Truck.

Two sepia photos of a school class in Maynard, including two photos of Comeau children. Walter Comeau is pictured in the front row, 7th from the left. Leo Comeau is picture in the front row, 9th from the left.

Others identified:
Ray Sims, Ida…


A collection of the Comeau Family photographs from the early 1900's, contained within a green photo album. The Comeau Family lived at 3 Linden St., Maynard, MA. They were an entrepreneurial family who managed a variety of businesses, including an Ice…

This is a 117 page scrapbook kept by Leonard Farrell. There doesn't seem to be any specific order or organization. Articles are carefully date stamped and seem to be in the 1938 -1940 range. Topics range from major events in the town as well as …

A black and white photo of the newly elected Officers of the Maynard Dramatic Club, dated September 16, 1954. They are (l-r) Front Row: Dorothy Hooper, Secretary; Tony Sotrines, President, Leo Comeau, Treasurer, Raymond Van Vorse, Vice President;…

A black and white photo of the MDC Officers for the Tenth Anniversary year, 1946-1947. They are (l-r): J. Leo Comeau (Treasurer), Frank Primiano (Vice President), Helen Engelhardt (Secretary), and Louis Fava (President). .

A file folder of listings of plays and their dates of presentation by the Maynard Dramatic Club, 1936-1972. There is a 1971 Assabet Valley Beacon newspaper article written by Helen Mark Ketola that documents the history of the Maynard Dramatic Club.…

Walter was the brother of Leo Comeau. Walter is at the Clinton Dam. Seems to be an early selfie, someone taking a photo of Walter taking pictures.

Standing in doorway, l to r
William H. Holly, Sr; Herbie Comeau, Eddie Lemoine, Joe Lemoine
Sitting on beams on truck, l to r
Leo Comeau, unknown worker

Holly and Comeau built the stone building in background, still standing on Acton St.…

In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of the railroad was completed, a large ice house was erected by N.J. Wyeth where the Front Street houses now stand. It was of brick construction and held 40,000 tons of ice which was cut on the mill pond and shipped…

Leo Comeau is in the straw hat, the keystone cop is unknown. No information available about the nature of the event.

A series of black and white photos of the staff, management, and owners of the People's Theater at their Christmas Party in 1951. A note on the back of one of the photos is to Benny Sofka from Bert Lawton. One photo shows the window display next to…

A collection of newspaper obituaries of individuals with a Maynard connection .

Armanda Alving, Elsie L. Anderson, Harold Andrew, John Archer, Mrs. John Archer, Joseph Armitage, Elizabeth Axford

Jane McInnes Bain, Jane Bain, Mungo Bain,…

l to r
Front: Leo Comeau, Doris Miller, Ralph Smith, Sirkka Leitinen French

Center: ___?, ___?, Mrs. McCurder, ___?, Beatrice Sunderland Jordan

Back: Billy Mann, Lessie McGarry, Walter Denniston, Marion Jones, ___?, Ann Bellows

Golden Sheath Certificate, #25453 issued to Joseph Leo Comeau by the National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, April 18, 1963

The Misses Comeau, J. Leo Comeau, driver.
Picture taken in front of the then Methodist Church, corner of Main and Summer Streets.

An eight page booklet with a list of members, officiers and the program of events for the year 1936.