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Maynard Grange Lecturer's Program - 1936
An eight page booklet with a list of members, officiers and the program of events for the year 1936.
Donated by Ann Duclos
The Wayside Press, Carlisle, Mass.
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List of Members:
Irma Aldrcih, Dorothy Alving, Francis E. Alving, Alex J. Bourke, Grace J. Bourke, Laura Bowers, Harry Bumpus, Hazel Bumpus, Lizzie Bumpus, Jennie Carbone, Frank Case, Hazel Case, Leo Comeau, Veronica Creighton, Gertrude Deane, Eliza J. Dodge, Anne M. Duclos, Ina Edwards, Eric C. Farnell, Josephine Finocchi, Annie G. Floyde, Bertha Harrington, Affie Hayward, William J. Hayward, Irene Hekkala, Alice Hird, Margaret Hird, Catherine Hoffman, Leona Howard, Alice M. Howe, Irvin A. Howe, Irene Hull, Bertha Hyden, Mark Imbimbo, Mary Jones, Emma Keep, Mary E. Lawton, Vera S. Leithead, Albert Lind, Beulah Lord, Edith T. McAuslin, Patrick McGrath, Charles Manninen, Alfred C. Marriano, Mabel Martin, Christine Monahan, Dorothy G. Morris, Russell Naylor, Helen Newman, Ethel Nordberg, Norman Nordberg, Alan Palmer, Mary E. Powers, Sarah Priest, Mary Rainville, Aquilla Rich, Hazel Robinson, Melissa Ruble, Nina Ruble, Grace Salloway, Victor Salloway, Phyllis Savikoski, Charles W. Shattuck, Ellen F. Sheridan, Adelaide W. Sims, Esther Sims, Leslie W. Sims, Lucille Sims, Eva M. Smith, William Stockwell, Annie T. Thompson, Grace B. Tucker, Orville P. Tucker, Helen Westwood, Alton P. White, Lillian P. White, Edmund Whitney, Grace S. Whitney, Howard Whitney, Leon Whitney, Margaret Whitney, Marian H. Whitney
Irma Aldrcih, Dorothy Alving, Francis E. Alving, Alex J. Bourke, Grace J. Bourke, Laura Bowers, Harry Bumpus, Hazel Bumpus, Lizzie Bumpus, Jennie Carbone, Frank Case, Hazel Case, Leo Comeau, Veronica Creighton, Gertrude Deane, Eliza J. Dodge, Anne M. Duclos, Ina Edwards, Eric C. Farnell, Josephine Finocchi, Annie G. Floyde, Bertha Harrington, Affie Hayward, William J. Hayward, Irene Hekkala, Alice Hird, Margaret Hird, Catherine Hoffman, Leona Howard, Alice M. Howe, Irvin A. Howe, Irene Hull, Bertha Hyden, Mark Imbimbo, Mary Jones, Emma Keep, Mary E. Lawton, Vera S. Leithead, Albert Lind, Beulah Lord, Edith T. McAuslin, Patrick McGrath, Charles Manninen, Alfred C. Marriano, Mabel Martin, Christine Monahan, Dorothy G. Morris, Russell Naylor, Helen Newman, Ethel Nordberg, Norman Nordberg, Alan Palmer, Mary E. Powers, Sarah Priest, Mary Rainville, Aquilla Rich, Hazel Robinson, Melissa Ruble, Nina Ruble, Grace Salloway, Victor Salloway, Phyllis Savikoski, Charles W. Shattuck, Ellen F. Sheridan, Adelaide W. Sims, Esther Sims, Leslie W. Sims, Lucille Sims, Eva M. Smith, William Stockwell, Annie T. Thompson, Grace B. Tucker, Orville P. Tucker, Helen Westwood, Alton P. White, Lillian P. White, Edmund Whitney, Grace S. Whitney, Howard Whitney, Leon Whitney, Margaret Whitney, Marian H. Whitney
Original Format
Booklet 3 1/4x6 in, 8 pages