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Maynard Dramatic Club
A collection of 28 black and white photos of the Maynard Dramatic Club and the Maynard Savoyards. They are photos of on-stage scenes in a variety of plays. Plays and actors are unidentified.
"The Whole Darn Shooting Match" Production Photo - 1971
A series of theatrical vignettes was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club and called "The Whole Darn Shooting Match". It was performed on Nov. 12, 13, 1971 at Maynard High School Auditorium. Those pictured are Paul Murphy, Joe Carr, Herb Malinson,…
"Suds in Your Eye" Play Presentation 1952 - Photo
Four black and white photos of Maggie Crowe and Guy Ferrara acting in "Suds in Your Eye". A play presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on May 1, 1952 in the Parker Street Hall.
Margaret Crowe Photo - 1953
Margaret Crowe was the star in the play "Henrietta the Eighth", presented November 30, 1953. This production was put on by the Maynard Dramatic Club. Margaret played the character Henrietta Carver.
"Suds in Your Eye" Drama Presentation Photo - 1952
"Suds in Your Eye" was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club in May 1, 1952. Pictured in the photo are Lorraine Ballard, Margie Crowe, and Guy Ferrara. It was held at the Parker Street Hall.
Centennial Monograph: Maynard Dramatic Club
At the turn of the 20th century the "Maynard Players" was the source of dramatic productions in Maynard, but it had gone inactive. In 1936 some new folks in town tried to revive the old group, but were unable - so they formed a new troupe: the…
Scrap Book kept by Leonard Farrell
This is a 117 page scrapbook kept by Leonard Farrell. There doesn't seem to be any specific order or organization. Articles are carefully date stamped and seem to be in the 1938 -1940 range. Topics range from major events in the town as well as …
Maynard Dramatic Club
The Maynard Dramatic Club began in November 1936 and continued through November 1983. The Club's Minutes from 1958 through 1983, with some gaps, are retained in black notebooks at the Maynard Historical Society. The final meeting of the Club was…
Maynard Dramatic Club Officers - 1972
A black and white photo which appeared in the "Valley Beacon" was of the newly elected Officers of the Maynard Dramatic Club for 1972-1973. The Officers are: (rear) Christine Molloy, President; (l-r) Carla French, Vice President; Helen Ketola,…
"Broken Dishes" Play Program - 1939
A play program for "Broken Dishes" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on April 26, 1939 at the Parker St. Hall.
"Nothing But the Truth" Play Program - 1938
A play program for "Nothing But the Truth" was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on December 8, 1938 at the Parker Street Hall, Maynard, Mass.
Cast & Crew:
Kal Kansaniva, John Pozerycki, John Murphy, Leo F. Mullin, Edward Hannon, Laura Aho,…
Cast & Crew:
Kal Kansaniva, John Pozerycki, John Murphy, Leo F. Mullin, Edward Hannon, Laura Aho,…
"The Ghost Train" Play Program - 1938
A play program for "The Ghost Train" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on February 24, 1938 at Parker St. Hall.
"A Henpecked Hero" Play Program - 1937
A play program for "A Hen-Pecked Hero" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on May 19, 1937. It was presented at the Parker St. Hall, Maynard, Mass.
"Best Years" Play Program - 1937
A play program for "Best Years" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on November 18, 1937.
"The Late Christopher Bean" Play Program - 1937
A play program for "The Late Christopher Bean" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on January 21, 22, 1937.
"Bits 'n Pieces" Cast Photos - 1972
Six black and white photos of the cast of "Bits 'n Pieces" which was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on October 27, 1972.
"Bits 'n Pieces" Play Program - 1972
A play program for an evening of several Maynard Dramatic Club vignettes to benefit the Maynard High School Scholarship Fund. The event was held on October 27, 1972.
"The Armored Dove" Play Program - 1971
Four play programs for "The Armored Dove", a play presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on April 2,3, 1971 during the Maynard Centennial Year (1871-1971).
"The Whole Darn Shooting Match" Cast Photos - 1971
Six black and white photos of the cast in "The Whole Darn Shooting Match" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 12, 13, 1971.
"The Whole Darn Shooting Match" Play Program - 1971
Two play programs for "The Whole Darn Shooting Match" which was presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on Nov. 12, 13, 1971.