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Scrap Book kept by Leonard Farrell
This is a 117 page scrapbook kept by Leonard Farrell. There doesn't seem to be any specific order or organization. Articles are carefully date stamped and seem to be in the 1938 -1940 range. Topics range from major events in the town as well as weddings and deaths to sports events. The PDF file is VERY LARGE ( >125 MB) This is a companion to item 1999.1130. Each page has been partially indexed below:
P. 1 Album Cover.
P. 2 Back of Album Cover.
P. 3
Central Mass. Baseball Umpires Association (photo) Mary Baccaro died after long illness Fred C. Binns passed away in hospital Peoples Theater quintet plays in Boston Maynard Hockey Club starts season
P. 4
Oxford Bows to Local Court Five (basketball) Arrows Hand First Defeat to Maynard 5-3 Mary Vokoklys Obituary Mary E. (Lynch) Lawton Obituary (died suddenly) Lillian Clark Obituary (age 80)
P. 5
Obits: Mary Chodnicky; John Stasewski; LeRoy Dean; Mary Lowney; Mary Rouillard; Mrs. Bridget Smith; Ellen Joyce; Helen Bakun; Oscar Wirkkanen; David J. Flagg.
P. 6
Obits: Michael Sherry; Joseph Beavis; Lars Anderson; Mrs. Louis Bamford; Margaret Wilder; Alice Kane; Mary Donahue; John Peterson; G. F. McCormick; Mrs. Frigard; Thomas Drake; Arthur Lord; Ralph Casella; Charles Irwin; Maria Porrazzo.
P. 7
Obits: Helen F. Kane; Mary Keegan; Nancy Sulkala; Margaret Sherry; Thomas Collins; Erick Starr; Thomas Collins; Edla Hermanson; John Sullivan; John Shannahan; Eugene Dawson.
P. 8
Obits: George W. Hartwell; Minnie Prescott; Mrs. William Denniston; Howard Baker; Margaret Salmon; Mary Ekdahl; J. B. Comeau; Mrs. August Mackey; Mrs. John Brayden; Mary Chodynicky; William Coady; Daniel Nagle; Mrs. Michael Sherry; Joseph Bannon; John Tuikka; Cornelius Murphy; Adolph Kurowski; Julia Mitzcavich; William Carney.
P. 9
Obits: Joseph Boulden; Erick Starr; Margaret Wilder; Ralph Canella; Emma Jacobson; Anne Conley; Maria Perazzo; Kate Pyrro; Mary Sivonen; Vito Corshia; Ida Marshall Binks.
P. 10
Obits: A.O. Dunham; Martha Hartin; Flora Fox; Mrs. john Brayden; Joseph Hannon; Mrs. Gabril Lucinskas; Ellen Joyce; Rowland Harriman; Charles Irwin; Jean Coulter; Ada Bisbee.
P. 11
Lynch Bowling Alleys March 23, 1938: Tolman, Fowler, Bishop, Murphy, Tutts, Watts, Duggan, Gagne. Wedding: Salvatore Graceffa, Rose Antonio. Nursing School Students: Helen T. Boothroyd, Margaret Heaton; Mamie Keikkinen; Norma Oates. Wedding: Dorothy Harris, Francis Sheehan.
P. 12
Obits: Miriam Lehto Carson; Bridget M. Walsh; Dr. Frank Tasker; Johanna Peterson; Camillo Siomonetti; Frederick Newman; Maurice Herbert; Henry Ollila; Mrs. Matti Kavala; John Sexton; Bridget Murphy Walsh.
P. 13
Maynard High Graduates: Richard Wolfe; Kalevi Tofferi; Mary Whalen; Ellen Aho, Frederick Newman; William Wasiuk; Severa Wasiuk; Jlkia May; Sophia Batulin; Zennia Chutoranski; Esther Launola; Vivian Wolfe; Marguerite Carbary; Lempi Marjana; Stella Wallet; Helen Sienkiewicz; Adam Mariani; Harvey Priest; Tauno Tamminen; John Thompson; John D'Errico; John Staszewski; Elizabeth Mahoney; Elvi Nyholm; Helen Weekstrom; Edward O'Donnell; Robert Duggan.
P. 14
Graduates: Koski; Johnson; Hastings; Hill; Lehto; Kochnowicz; Glickman; Lent; Loika; Pekkala; Palmer, Greenleaf; Marsden; King; Pozerycki; Bishop; Lalli; Gudzinowicz; Malcolm; Sneck; Fearns; Sweeney; Serafino; Robert White; Lena Christian; Helen Wollershied; John O'Leary.
P. 15
1930 Maynard High School Basketeers: Fairbanks; Kochnowicz; Zaporeskfe; Garland; W. Frigard; Gutteridge; Sczerzen; Lent; Warilla; A. Frigard; Wilcox. Eino Nyholm; Coach Frank J. Murray.
P. 16
Sports: John Flaherty; James King; Joe Kamesh; YPSL; Normie Sims; O'Leary; Norgoal; Koskinen.
P. 17
Sports Oil-O-Matics; Johnnie Lehto; Capt. White; Frigard, Jarvi; Kane; Silpola; Scezeren. Maynard Football 1932: O'Toole; Ignachuk; Murphy; Malcolm; Duggan; Archer; Thompson; Coach Lerer; Fintsa; Malcolm; Kendra; O'Leary, Johnson; Coach Charlie Manty.
Death of Fr. Walter Roche; Wedding of Francis H. White & Violette G. Boule.
P. 18
Sports: Maynard High School Football Team- Coaches Don Lent & Al Lerer & Charles Manty; Archer; Ollila; Case; Malcolm; Duggan; Ignachuk; Laasanen; Murphy; Principal James King; O'Donnell; Johnson; Swartz; Mullin; Tamulevitch; Capt. Spratt; Buckaesz; Nowicki; Frigard; Thompson; Fred Thompson; Newton; James Malcolm; Kendra; Hintsa; Arcisz; O'Leary; Grondahl; Smith.
Death of Joseph Flaherty, 16. Death of Joseph Kamesh, Sept. 17, 1935.
Norman Sims, baseball player at Holy Cross College.
Clinton-Maynard High School Football Game.
Oil-O-Matics Baseball.
Funeral of Mary Grigas.
P. 19
Sports: Peoples Theater Basketball Team: Creighton; Milewski; Mathewman; Coughlan; Luban; Columbo; Norgoal; Colombo; Mariano, Capt.
West End Softball Team Championship 1938; John Flaherty Baseball at Boston College 1938.
P. 20
1938 Maynard High School Grads: Doris Beane; Rita Foley; Donald Jones; Kenneth Johnson; Nicholas Kizik; Esther Kauppila; William Murphy; Sylvia Glickman.
Sports: Peoples Theater Ushers: Lubin, Milewski, Columbo, Norgoal, Mathewman, Mariano, Creighton.
News about Joseph and Julia Wardzila; Jennie Melewski; John Driscoll as Exalted Ruler of the Maynard Elks; Veino Koski was voted most beautiful girl of Finnish descent in Maynard; Elizabeth Schnair; and Herbert Boothroyd, a Maynard weaver. Death of William France.
P. 21
Sept. 1938 News about William Slenkiewicz; Johnnie Gavin and John Red Flaherty at Boston College.
P. 22
Photos of the Maynard High School Student Council: Doris White, Dorothy Hansen, Olavi Alatalo, Albert Bachrach, Lyli Tervo, Daniel Sullivan, Helen Isner, Norma Oates, Aulis Oksa, Irene Morrill, Louis Maglione, Charles Fourall, Elena Pruniano, Jean Davis, Lillian Luosalo, Virginia Taylor, Helen Arciszewski, Doris Kelley, Florence Dudzinski, Roger Burnham, Principal James King, William LeSage, Donald Dowen, Daniel O'Leary, John Kulik, George Whalen, Vincent Weir, James Fava, Raymond Kane, Jolin MacPherson.
Maynard High School Field Hockey Squad: Gladys Tobin,
Doris LeSage, Helen Sofka, Arlene Hull, Lyli Tervo, Norma Oates, Dorothy Hansen, Anna Rolynowicz, Fannie Kulevich, Coach Dorothy Marsden, Rita Gallagher, Irene Morrill, Helen Boothroyd, Helen Arciszewski, Sylvia Greenblatt, Miriam Sarvela, Thelma Dawson, Mildred Coburn, June Carbary, Margaret Whalen, Gladys Boeske, Virginia Taylor, Mary Hickey.
Maynard Junior Legion Auxiliary: Irene Carey, Dorothy Hansen, Nancy Smith, Alice Hanson, Catherine Louka, Patricia Louka, Jean Lynch, Alberta Hanson, Mary White, Barbara Nelson, Mary King, Ann White (President), Mary Sweeney, Constance Martin, Dorothy King, Amelda Louka, Teresa White, Nannybelle Sealy, (baby) Margaret Sweeney.
Ads from Tony Watts, Watts Esso Service Station; Rubins Esso Service Station.
P. 23
High Honors MHS Class of 1937 Photo: Hul, Tikkonen, Kajander, Hoffman, Nelson, Higgins.
Photo of Holy Cross basebal pitcher, Normie Sims.
Maynard Junior High Baseball Team: Manager John Pozericki; Mahoney, Coach Leonard Olilla; Kendra; Wattu; Yaniskiewicz; Siekiewicz; Castanza; Yaneskiewicz; Hanna; Frigard; Makela; Spratt; Lampinen (June 1937).
Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilleney (nee Helen Sczerzen).
P. 24
Mary Farrell takes her vows as Sr. Mary St. Camillus. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farrell of Front St., Maynard.
P. 25
Maynard High School Football September 1938.
Peoples Theater Ushers Basketball Team article (Dec. 1938): J. Columbo; L. Columbo; Norgoal; Sokolowski; Torpaa; Mariano; Labowicz.
P. 26
Maynard High School Class of 1938 Award Winners: Mary Latva; Lyli Tervo; Ernest Priest; Joseph Boothroyd; Regina Ayotte; Guy Perillo; Sylvia Glickman.
P. 27
MHS Football Schedule 1939.
Article: Charlie Serjie, amateur Pugilist.
Sports articles on Maynard Hockey Club; Maynard High School Football; Peoples Theater Ushers Basketball.
Fire in Lucius Maynard, Summer St. house.
The Kopp twins celebrate first birthday.
P. 28
Obits: Joan Croft; Mrs. Hugh (Mary) Miller. Michael Grigas; Mr. Lucius H. Maynard; Mrs. Elizabeth O'Keefe.
P. 29
Weddings: Edward Hannon; Catherine Crowley; Alexander Savello; Niilo Keto; Fanny Wick; Alice Johnson & Walter Boeske.
P. 30
Weddings: Florence DeGrappo; Ann Kivela & George Bariteau; John Tobin; Patricia Higgins & John Nordberg; Harold Glickman; Mary Elizabeth Sirvio; Gertrude Swartz; Helen Jokela; Mary Ployart; Lucille Perry & Arthur Anderson.
P. 31
Weddings: Blanche Slabysz; Anthony Lombard; Anthony Columbo; Stella Shymonowicz; Marian Terrasi; Rosario Miccicke; Alan Palmer; Albina Sinicki; Olavi Alto.
P. 32
Weddings: Gertrude Pekkala; Helen Kaskiewicz; Allen Graf; Virginia Andrewskiewicz; Michael Sczerzen; Winifred Tobin; Mary Ployart; Stella Kolenda; Edna French.
P. 33
Articles regarding Frank & Robert White; Joseph Arsizewski; Leo McNamara.
P. 34
Maynard High School Class of 1939 Photos.
Misc. articles about William Spratt; Ruth Bradley; Helen Isner; Helen Marsden; Jane, Mary, Winifred, Elizabeth, and Gertrude Tobin.
Class of 1937 Reunion.
Photo of Screech Owl staff of 1939 at MHS.
P. 35
Weddings: Mary & Lena Brescia; Ruth Moynihan; Ann Meloro; Helen Labowicz; Olga Batulin; Clementina Lalili.
Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parker.
Obit: Lilllian Clark; Mary Vodoklys.
Retirement: Michael Tobin.
P. 36
Wedding: Doris Peterson; Vally Caroline Stefanovicz & Waino Kangas; Ralph Smith.
MHS Honor Roll: Oct-Dec 1938.
P. 37
Obit: Mrs. Henry Launola.
Sports: Basketball Peoples Theater "Ushers", 1939. Maynard Hockey Club, Sinewski, Sidorovich, Jokisaari, Pirkola, Devoll, Aho, Ollila, Osmo, Hintsa, Sulkala, Woodside, 1939.
P. 38
Old Time Basketball reflections article: George Lynch, Frank Murray, Jack Kelly, Frank Archer, Albert Axford, and Jack Punch.
Peoples Theater Basketball article.
Weddings: Joseph Pileeki & Sophie Baker, 1939. John Tobin, 1939.
P. 39
Sports: Y.P.S.L. Basketball: Ojelehto, Kangas, Boulden,Columbo, Frigard, 1939.
Articles about Wilho Frigard, Bob Duggan, Johnnie Flaherty, Normie Sims.
P. 40
1929 MHS Basketball: Albert Lehrer, Coach; Tierney & King, Managers; W. Frigard; Don Lent; Zaporeski; T. Frigard; J. Szcerzen; Tooppa.
Article about John Nowicki; William Stockwell.
P. 41
Maynard High School Football Team Line-up 1938.
Wedding: Julia Savosh & Bruno Kankanpaa.
Tom Chidley's Super Service Station, Main Street.
Elections 1938: Don Lent, Patrick McGrath, William Saarela, William Smith, Arthur Champagne, Matthew King, Joseph Cleary, Charles Keene, Christopher Wilson, Fred Elson, Jacob Laurila. Feb. 1938.
P. 43
Johnnie O'Leary receives Varsity Letter at Brown University. 1938
Wedding: Barbara Stockbridge.
Engagement: Julia Wardzala, Dec. 1938.
Maynard Country Club: John Provasoli, Pres., George Lynch, Vice-Pres., Raymond Veitch, Secretary, Patrick Murphy, Treasurer.
Article on the Maynard Enterprise's Middlesex League, 1938.
Birth of baby to Mr. & Mrs. Roy Marsden.
P. 45
Sports: MHS Football Team 1938; Thanksgiving Day Game with Clinton, 1938.
Obit: Mrs. Jacob Kamesh.
P. 46
Sports; MHS Football 1938 Photo: Charles Sullivan, Manager; Reggie Sawyer, Coach; Wasiuk, Loiko, O'Leary, Hajduk, Cuttell, Higgins, Team; Mike Vodoklys, Coach. D'Agata, Saaristo, Aoivonen, Bamford, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Whalen, Team. Nov. 1938.
P. 47
Wedding: John Hearon; Annie Louise Frye; Lena Brescia. 1938.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Connors returned from their honeymoon.
P. 48
Sports: Erikson's Dairy: Castanza, Gruber, Watts, Flaherty, Hintsa, Uglevich, Graceffa. 1938 July.
Obit: John Winkley. October 1938.
P. 49
Train Accident: John Luhaink injured.
Poster Contest Winners: Mary Rubaszko; Gertrude Kaupila; Mildred Holly.
Obit: Joseph Beavis.
P. 50
No Maynard News.
P. 51
Sports: Article about Undefeated MHS football team, 1938.
Obit: Martha Hartin.
MHS honor Roll October 1938.
Engagement & Wedding: Dorothy Naylor; Ruth Moynihan.
P. 52
Sports: Articles about MHS beat Concord High and Hudson High.
P. 53
MHS Highest Honors to Mary Latva, Anna Gudzinowicz, Daniel Sullivan, and Joseph Boothroyd.
Photo: MHS Senior Class Officers; Daniel Sullivan, Lyli Tervo, Albert Bachrach, and Karen Saarinen.
Sports: MHS team elects Gabby Wojtkiewicz as Captain of the Basketball Team, 1938.
Maynard Bowling League: DeMambro, Watts, Ketola, Peterson, Duggan, Sawyer, and Kitowicz.
Hugo Kajander 60th birthday celebration.
P. 54
MHS Football vs. Winchester HS Oct. 1938. Mike Vodoklys, D'Agata, Saaristo, Tolvonen, Bamford, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Whalen, O'Leary, Loiko, Cuttell, Hyduk.
MHS Girls Field Hockey vs. Shrewsbury HS. Oct. 1938. Alice Boeske, Carbary, Hanson, Sarvella, Tobin, Hull, Hickey, Morrill, Taylor, Coburn, and Arciszewski.
Samuel Bachrach receives Medical degree from Tufts.
Birth Notices: Mr. & Mrs. John Tobin; Mr. & Mrs. William Spratt.
Maynard Elks Club Essay Winners: Helen Smith, John Gudzinowicz. Community Awards to: Regina Ayotte, Ernest Priest, Lyli Tervo.
P. 55
Weddings: Viola Simonetti; Veronica Kuleisus; Elsa Laasanen; Doris Peterson; Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cowles; Vally Stefanowicz; Andrew Kangas; Stanley Uglevich; Mary T. Grigas; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maria; Mr. & Mrs. Victor Pozerycki; Jacob Swartz. 1938.
P. 56
Weddings: Margaret Breen.
Sports: MHS Track Team: Bruno Kansanniva; Lauri Pekkala; Charlie D'Agata; Nick Kizic; Wilson Cuttle; Tom Foley.
P. 57
Sports: MHS football beats Belmont HS. MHS football beats Stoneham HS. 1938.
Peoples Theater "Ushers" beat Framingham Coal Co.
Photo of MHS Football Team: Saarista, Teivinen, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Cuttell, Loiko, O'Leary, and Hyduc.
Frances Moody, age 3, wins automobile.
Philomena Christofono wins a song & dance contest.
Photo & article of Mike Vodoklys, Coach MHS Football.
Obit: Miss Emily Gordon, Maynard Teacher.
P. 59
Photo of Maynard High School Football Team 1938, with accompanying article as the undefeated Middlesex League Champions.
Chief of Police Andrew Magorty, age 75, asked to retire by Hudson Selectmen.
Eva Moynihan elected to Board of Assessors.
P. 60
Anthony Maskousky denies charges of driving to endanger and manslaughter. William MacWilliams of Brooks St. died. Mr. Maskousky was exonerated and the death was found to be an accident.
Photo: Twins James and John Kopp turn one year old, Jan. 1939.
Obit: Karl Anton Koskell.
P. 61
Photo of Jensen Family. Article about John O'Leary.
Weddings: Frances Brescia.
Obit: Franz Gustafson; Albert J. Moynihan.
P. 62
Articles about Maynard High School Football team 1938.
Swearing in of William Sienkiewicz as MA State Police Officer.
P. 63
Obit: Emil Boeske. John H. Winkley.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Case celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.
Edward J. Hannon was elected to Grand Knight of the Maynard Knights of Columbus.
Richard Engebretson at Mass General Hospital after attack.
P. 64
Walter Allen and Robert Greenaway make diver's helmet and equipment at their manual arts class in MHS.
Obits: Bernard Garrigan; Alphonse Micciche; Onni Jokisaari; Ellen Flood Quin; Richard Engebretson.
Mrs. Mary A. Keegan celebrated her 94th birthday.
Elmer Mattson elected to Commander of the VFW. 1938.
John Driscoll elected Exalted Ru;er of the Elks.
P. 65
Sports: Football Maynard HS vs Winchester HS. 1938
P. 66
Sports: Dorothy Hanson named Capt. of MHS Field Hockey team. MHS footbal team vs. Fitchburg, 1938.
P. 67
Sports: MHS football vs. Lexington HS, 1938.
Maynard registers a total of 3,206 voters in 8/1938.
P. 68
Article about the Maynard High School Football Team.
Hudson beats the Peoples Theater "Ushers". 1938
P. 69
Sports: Article about Charlie D'Agata, MHS Football. 1938
Maynard HS vs. Milford HS- Nov. 1938.
Obit: Anthony Wasiuk, 42. WW1 Veteran. 1938.
P. 70
Wedding: John J. Hearon. 11/1938.
George T. Priest nominated to the Board of Salvaging Down Timber (post 1938 hurricane) of the US Forestry Service.
Obit: Mrs. Jane McInnes Bain.
P. 71
Photo of Maynard High School students who participated in a WORC radio Quiz Program. Students were: Helen Arciszewski, Urho Mark, Leo Nurm, Anna Allard, Leo Mullin, Dorothy Tierney, and Bennie Gudnzinowicz. 11/1938.
Mary Pyszka, local accordian musician and dancer.
Testimonial for Rev. M. A. Vance, Union Congregational Church. Others mentioned are: Gavin Taylor, Mrs. William McGarry, Rev. George Koponen, Mrs. Fred Hekkala, Fred Murto.
Photo: Ernest O'Clair, Harold Roche, Dr. Raymond Hooper, Theron Lowden, Warren Twombly, Jack Stoler.
P. 72
Maynard Knights of Columbus Minstrel Show: John J. Donohue, Francis Hannon, Leo Mullin, James Farrell, John Murphy, Thomas King, James Duggan, John Driscoll, Alice Donahue, Edward Hannn, Charles Visocchi, Ida Carbone, Jane Denaro, Gertrude Parker, Phyllis Blanchard, Irene Bakun, Doris Harms, Marie Schnair, Charles Fourett, William Lesage, Raymond Kane, William Stades, John Moynihan, Margaret Dineen, Rita Gallagher, Doris Lesage, Anna Lyons, Jean O'Brien, Mary Quin, Doris White, Margaret Whalen, Robert Duggan, Albert Sullivan, Chester Sawyer, William Sweeney, George White, Ralph Sheridan, Harold Ledgard, Edward Thane, Louis Evers, Arthur Morrill, James Mahoney, John Johnston. 1939.
Charles Slyvert not guilty of murder due to insanity.
MHS Honor Roll - March 1939.
Wedding: Niilo Keto. July 1940.
Gruber Bros. Awards: Sally Murphy, Margaret Castillini, Tut Graceffa, Mary Callahan, Alric French. March 1940.
P. 73
Obits: Mrs. Graziela Mary Perillo; Joseph Flaherty; James Cheney; John Murray; Mrs. Josephine Boudreau; Sara Morgan.
Norman Simms pleaded not guilty to operating a betting parlor.
P. 74
Copy of Maynard Dramatic Club Program "The Ghost Train".
Sports: The Maynard Hockey Club competes in hockey championships.
Photo: MHS Screech Owl Staff 1938. Sheridan, Glickman, Carlton, Smalski, Saarinen, Bachrach, Lesage, Gallagher, Foley, Rolynowicz, Mullin, Field, O'Leary, Kane, Priest, Crowe, May, Syvanen, Murphy, Tervo, Gudzinowicz, Boothroyd, Veitch, Kulik, Sullivan, Rivers, Glickman, MacPherson.
P. 75
Mr. & Mrs. Hilary Kane welcome new baby.
Large article about voters changing political affiliations.
George Whalen elected Captain of MHS Football, 1939.
P. 76
Sports: MHS Football has second title, Nov. 1938.
MHS vs. Lexington HS baseball game article, April 1938.
Obit: Anthony Wasiuk. Dec. 1938.
P. 77
Weddings: Harold Wilcox & Eleanor Lawson- Oct. 1938; Frank Scacciotti; Mary Karpeichik; Mildred Mullin; Viola Simonetti; Edith Elson. Sept. 1938.
P. 78
Weddings: Michael J. Vodoklys; Edith France; Mary Fidanza & Albert Connors; Mary Karpeichik; Eleanor Lawson & Hariold Wilcox; Florence Lenzl; Dorothy Naylor; John Novick; Barbara Stockbridge.
P. 79
Photo: Maynard Knights of Pythias: Thomas Fox, Charles Shearer, Warren Twombly, Mull Joyce, John Mitzcavich, William Cameron, Frank Colombo, Charles Spence. May 1938.
P. 80
MHS Class of 1938 senior pictures.
P. 81
1938 MHS Field Hockey team beat Ashland.
Frank Sanderson re-elected as President of the Mass Town Clerks Assoc. Nov. 1938.
Maynard Grange Jubilee 1938: Hazel Bumpus, Edmund Whitney, Adelaide Sims, Rev. Elden Bucklin, James & Eric Farrell, Alan Palmer, Mary Lawton, Leo Comeau, Emma Kemp, Alice & Irvin Howe, William Stockwell, Linwood White, William Haywood, Elizabeth Hodges, Orville Tucker, Charles Shattuck, Eva Smith, Annie Floyde, Veronica Creighton, Alex Bourke. Nov. 1938.
Sports: Maynard HS vs. Marlboro HS. Nov. 1938.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Connors observed their 36th Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Loftus, Mr. 7 Mrs. Albert Connors, Mrs. Mary Worden, Paul Worden. Nov. 1938.
P. 82
Photo: John O'Leary of Brown U. Football, Nov. 1938.
St. Casimir's celebrate 10th Anniversary. 1938.
Obits: Mrs. Frank Moran; Mrs. Ellen Flood Quinn; Mrs. Mary Jannell; Mrs. Jacon Kamesh.
MHS Field Hockey: Maynard vs. Shrewsbury. 1938.
P. 83
Sports: Maynard Ice Hockey Team vs. Leominster. 1938.
Wedding: James Whalen, Florida St. Maynard; Ruth Weir & Richard Wolfe. Jan. 1938.
P. 84
Boston Post All-Scholastics: Pellagrini, Maloney, Davis, O'Brien, Wakeham, Vitale, Mooney, Flaherty, Truesdale, Chamberlain, Baniewicz, White, O'Rourke, Conley, O'Leary, Rosenbaum. 1938.
P. 85
Sports: Johnnie O'Leary to play with Brown University vs. Harvard. 1938.
MHS vs. Stoneham HS game for championship. 1938.
Johnnie O'Leary was voted most popular man on campus at Brown University. 1938.
Rev. James P. Sherry praised for his role as Chaplain during WW1.
Phillip Wilson & Benjamin Piecewicz passed the Mass Bar Exam. 1938.
P. 86
Profile of Arthur R. Champagne with photo.
Farewell party for Doris Beane.
Schedule of Maynard Softball Team, Sept. 1938.
Photo: Louis B. Connors elected to Senate.
P. 87
Weddings: Veronica Kuleisus & John Kavaleski; Helen Wojtkiewicz & Francis J. Brayden; Mildred E. Mullin; Viola Simonetti; Marguerite Tierney; Isabelle Donohue; Malvina Kulewicz & Albert Cowles; William Hyden; John J. Walsh; Mary J. Mason; Stanley Uglevich; Ruth Moynihan. 1938.
P. 88
Weddings: Phillip Morrison; Mary Fidanza & Albert Connors; Ruth Heinonen & Reino Hietanen; Patrick Nugent; Della Koch; Dr. Samuel Bachrach; Edith France (photo); Mary Noonan & Mike Vodoklys. 1938.
P. 89
Photo of Anchor & Ark Glee Club - June 1938.
Mr. & Mrs. Neils Jensen, 60th Anniversary.
Photo: MHS Faculty: Alice Fearns, Ruth Bradley, Ruth Wilson, Elizabeth Wetherbee; Ethel Butterworth; Vena Field; Eileen Doyle; Anne Pasakarnis; James King; Leo Mullin; Walter Tierney; Albert Lerer; William Reynolds; Michael Vodoklys; Charles Manty; John Provasoli; Don Lent; Reginald Sawyer; George Kennedy. 1938.
P. 90
MHS Senior pictures. Class of 1938.
Obits: John E. Rice; Mrs. Frank Moran.
Mr. & Mrs. Ingham celebrate 25th Anniversary. Oct. 1938.
P. 91
Anne Bellows wins BU Chalmers Cup for outstanding work for 4 years (photo).
Duck Racing Fad: Mary Haywood (photo).
College-bound seniors: Lou Columbo, Evelyn Sawutz, Charlotte King, Edwin Gustafson (photos).
P. 92
Sports: Oil-O-Matics, Miller Oil, Co.K., game updates. 1936.
Wedding: Salvatore Graceffa. 1937.
P. 93
MHS vs. Stoneham HS Football game article. 1939.
P. 94
Articles unreadable.
P. 95
Weddings: Barbara Stockbridge; Elizabeth Laasanen & Martti Makela; Ann Meloro & Anthony Maskowsky;
Julia Wardzala; Clementina Lalli; Helen Labowicz; Olga Batulin; Anthony Vitkauskis. 1938.
P. 96
Weddings: Lena & Frances Brescia; Ann Meloro; Ruth Moynihan; Helen Labowicz. 1938.
Obit: Mrs. Gabriel Lucinskae..
Mr. & Mrs. Wollerschied Golden Anniversary. 1938.
P. 97
Maynard High School Senior Pictures. Class of 1939.
P. 98
Mrs. Eva V. Moynihan named as first female to head office in Maynard. Feb. 1939.
Eino Kajander named president of Gardner Theater Guild.
Mr. & Mrs. Scully celebrate 60 years of marriage. 6/1939.
P. 99
Maynard HS vs. Lexington HS. April 1939.
P. 100
Maynard Junior High vs. Concord Harvey Wheeler Jr. High baseball game. 1939.
Johnny "Peewee" Smith named Captain of MHS Baseball Team for 1939-1940 school year.
P. 101
Fred Loftus is playing ball with Plattsburg of the Northern League.
Obit: Harriet Gibbs Callahan; Ann Conway. 1939.
P. 102
Sports: Middlesex Cleaners; Peoples Theater Ushers. George Lynch hits a 376 triple in bowling competition. March 1939.
P. 103
Sports: Middlesex Laundry defeat Forge Village in baseball. Players were: Kitowicz; Shaughnessy; Connors; Tibbets; Murphy; Dwyer; Natolj; Mahoney; Lehto; Fleming; McHugh; Gumbert.
Al Cowles selects 6 MHS baseball players to be on a Midland Team: Wotjiewicz; Creighton; Haapanen; Kitowicz; Gudzinowicz. June 1939.
Two articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers".
P. 104
Sports: MHS vs. Belmont HS, Sept. 1939.
Flying Pigeon Club participated in an event Sept. 1939; M. Lalli; Frank Braman; J. Byrne; A. Annette; William King.
Maynard High Baseball Team vs. Medford HS: Wojtkiewicz; C. Haapanen; Georgie Creighton; Johnny Gudzinowicz; Ed Kitowicz. June 1939.
P. 105
MHS Girls Basketball Team: Mary Sawyer; Sylvia Nyholm; Margaret Tierney; Edith Perkins; Aune Salo; Jeannette ___; Helen Sczerzen; Eleanor Lawson; Catherine Coughlin; Dorothy Marsden; Violet Koskella; Coach George Rupprecht. April 1939.
Photo of Catherine Coughlan, tennis champion at Biston University. 1939. Catherine was also named "Gamma Delta Girl" (with accompanying photo).
Miss Julia Lynch, daughter of C.J. & Minnie Lynch of Nason St., graduated from Regis College.
P. 106
Maynard H.S. Girls Field Hockey photo: Helen Wzosek; Constance Dawson; Stella Siergij; Victoria Jakusik; Eleanor Flaherty; Irene Peterson; Sophie Denisvich; Katherine Hoffman; Jeannette Thompson; Ruth Bradley; Aili Kajander; Johanna Aho; Ruth McKenna; Elizabeth & Gertrude Tobin; Dorothy Simila. Nov. 1935.
Weddings: Ernest Murphy & Ethel Hellawell; Francis White & Violet Boule.
P. 107
Sports: Three articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers" basketball games. March 1939.
Article about the MHS vs Stoneham HS baseball game. 1939.
P. 108
Two articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers" basketball game. Feb. 1939.
Three articles about the Maynard High School baseball games- Winchester, Belmont, Bedford HS. May 1939.
P. 109
Surprising dismissal of two teachers: Don Lent & William Reynolds. May 1939.
Photos: Juliet D'Errico & Vincent Weir. May 1939.
Petition for reinstatement of dismissed teachers, Lent & Reynolds. May 1939.
P. 110
Two articles about MHS students who picketed the dismissal of teachers Lent & Reynolds. May 1939.
List of MHS Honor Roll for third quarter - 1939.
P. 111
Photo of and article about MHS Girls Basketball Team: Catherine Coughlan, Tainie Hyland, Elizabeth Murray, Virginia Lawson, Mary Kane, Helen Scerzen, Edith Perkins, Eleanor Lawson, Dorothy Marsden. 1929.
Photo of Screech Owl Staff of 1936. (no names).
P. 112
Photo of Anne Bellows, student at Boston University.
Obit: Mrs. Tauno Torppa (2 articles).
MHS Girls Basketball Team: Gertrude Pukola, Sarah Hallowell, Elizabeth Murray, Hannah Lehto, Lillian Reid, Sylvia LinnaIrma Ryssy, Hulda Hill, Anna Lehto, Ranghill Mark, Helen Nee, Mary Hayward. 1926-1927.
P. 113
Wedding: Francis X. Powers.
Two sports articles by Al Cowles and Jerry Nason, a reflection of baseball and football teams in the past. ca1939.
P. 114
Obit: A.E. Garlick, Jan. 1938.
Wedding: Lillian Pekkala & Lauri Wick.
Sports: Maynard Sheiks Football Team: G. Chyzus, O'Connor, Capt. Bakum, Bundalavitch, Columbo, O'Donnell, A. Chyzus, O'Toole, Saari, Abo, Johnstone, Connors, Coach Hooper, Manager Cowles. 1926.
P. 115.
Sports: Article about the history of Maynard High School Athletics by A. Cowles. 1938.
Photo & Article about Frances Moody, age 3, winning a Chevrolet sedan at the Maynard Elks raffle. Also in the photo are John A. Driscoll & Thomas Maley. Dec. 1939.
P. 116
Sports: Article about the Peoples Theater "Ushers".
Tom King was appointed an official umpire in the New England Collegiate Conference. 1939.
Wedding: John Tobin & Mary Patterson. Feb. 1939.
P. 117
No news.
P. 118
Maynard H.S. vs. Everett H.S. Football article - Nov. 1933.
Football squad donate blood to John Thompson, fellow MHS player, due to an injury in a game with the Concord Yankees.
P. 119
Photo of Eleanor Murray, entering St. Vincent's Nursing School, Worcester, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Murray.
Article about Charlie Manninen, an originator of the Maynard Radio Club. Aug. 1939.
Maynard Tax Rate jumped to $44.00/thousand. 1939.
P. 120
Photo: Anchor & Ark Glee Club of Maynard: Harlan Cook, Walter Larkin, Edwin Carit, Elmer Cook, Frank Holland, Huram Parkin, George Lawton, William Brennan, Mark Newton, William Jones, Howard Weaving, Lindsey Smith, William Merriam, David Walker, Wilder X. Macurda, Richard Lowden, George Jamieson, Arthur Corey, Ralph Smith, William Johnston, Harold Merriam, Wendall Burroughs, Mrs. Hazel Cook, pianist.
May Procession held at St. Bridget's Church: Doris White, Dorothy Dimery, Jacqueline Tully, Alice Byrnes, Dorothy Hanson, and Mary Quinn.
P. 1 Album Cover.
P. 2 Back of Album Cover.
P. 3
Central Mass. Baseball Umpires Association (photo) Mary Baccaro died after long illness Fred C. Binns passed away in hospital Peoples Theater quintet plays in Boston Maynard Hockey Club starts season
P. 4
Oxford Bows to Local Court Five (basketball) Arrows Hand First Defeat to Maynard 5-3 Mary Vokoklys Obituary Mary E. (Lynch) Lawton Obituary (died suddenly) Lillian Clark Obituary (age 80)
P. 5
Obits: Mary Chodnicky; John Stasewski; LeRoy Dean; Mary Lowney; Mary Rouillard; Mrs. Bridget Smith; Ellen Joyce; Helen Bakun; Oscar Wirkkanen; David J. Flagg.
P. 6
Obits: Michael Sherry; Joseph Beavis; Lars Anderson; Mrs. Louis Bamford; Margaret Wilder; Alice Kane; Mary Donahue; John Peterson; G. F. McCormick; Mrs. Frigard; Thomas Drake; Arthur Lord; Ralph Casella; Charles Irwin; Maria Porrazzo.
P. 7
Obits: Helen F. Kane; Mary Keegan; Nancy Sulkala; Margaret Sherry; Thomas Collins; Erick Starr; Thomas Collins; Edla Hermanson; John Sullivan; John Shannahan; Eugene Dawson.
P. 8
Obits: George W. Hartwell; Minnie Prescott; Mrs. William Denniston; Howard Baker; Margaret Salmon; Mary Ekdahl; J. B. Comeau; Mrs. August Mackey; Mrs. John Brayden; Mary Chodynicky; William Coady; Daniel Nagle; Mrs. Michael Sherry; Joseph Bannon; John Tuikka; Cornelius Murphy; Adolph Kurowski; Julia Mitzcavich; William Carney.
P. 9
Obits: Joseph Boulden; Erick Starr; Margaret Wilder; Ralph Canella; Emma Jacobson; Anne Conley; Maria Perazzo; Kate Pyrro; Mary Sivonen; Vito Corshia; Ida Marshall Binks.
P. 10
Obits: A.O. Dunham; Martha Hartin; Flora Fox; Mrs. john Brayden; Joseph Hannon; Mrs. Gabril Lucinskas; Ellen Joyce; Rowland Harriman; Charles Irwin; Jean Coulter; Ada Bisbee.
P. 11
Lynch Bowling Alleys March 23, 1938: Tolman, Fowler, Bishop, Murphy, Tutts, Watts, Duggan, Gagne. Wedding: Salvatore Graceffa, Rose Antonio. Nursing School Students: Helen T. Boothroyd, Margaret Heaton; Mamie Keikkinen; Norma Oates. Wedding: Dorothy Harris, Francis Sheehan.
P. 12
Obits: Miriam Lehto Carson; Bridget M. Walsh; Dr. Frank Tasker; Johanna Peterson; Camillo Siomonetti; Frederick Newman; Maurice Herbert; Henry Ollila; Mrs. Matti Kavala; John Sexton; Bridget Murphy Walsh.
P. 13
Maynard High Graduates: Richard Wolfe; Kalevi Tofferi; Mary Whalen; Ellen Aho, Frederick Newman; William Wasiuk; Severa Wasiuk; Jlkia May; Sophia Batulin; Zennia Chutoranski; Esther Launola; Vivian Wolfe; Marguerite Carbary; Lempi Marjana; Stella Wallet; Helen Sienkiewicz; Adam Mariani; Harvey Priest; Tauno Tamminen; John Thompson; John D'Errico; John Staszewski; Elizabeth Mahoney; Elvi Nyholm; Helen Weekstrom; Edward O'Donnell; Robert Duggan.
P. 14
Graduates: Koski; Johnson; Hastings; Hill; Lehto; Kochnowicz; Glickman; Lent; Loika; Pekkala; Palmer, Greenleaf; Marsden; King; Pozerycki; Bishop; Lalli; Gudzinowicz; Malcolm; Sneck; Fearns; Sweeney; Serafino; Robert White; Lena Christian; Helen Wollershied; John O'Leary.
P. 15
1930 Maynard High School Basketeers: Fairbanks; Kochnowicz; Zaporeskfe; Garland; W. Frigard; Gutteridge; Sczerzen; Lent; Warilla; A. Frigard; Wilcox. Eino Nyholm; Coach Frank J. Murray.
P. 16
Sports: John Flaherty; James King; Joe Kamesh; YPSL; Normie Sims; O'Leary; Norgoal; Koskinen.
P. 17
Sports Oil-O-Matics; Johnnie Lehto; Capt. White; Frigard, Jarvi; Kane; Silpola; Scezeren. Maynard Football 1932: O'Toole; Ignachuk; Murphy; Malcolm; Duggan; Archer; Thompson; Coach Lerer; Fintsa; Malcolm; Kendra; O'Leary, Johnson; Coach Charlie Manty.
Death of Fr. Walter Roche; Wedding of Francis H. White & Violette G. Boule.
P. 18
Sports: Maynard High School Football Team- Coaches Don Lent & Al Lerer & Charles Manty; Archer; Ollila; Case; Malcolm; Duggan; Ignachuk; Laasanen; Murphy; Principal James King; O'Donnell; Johnson; Swartz; Mullin; Tamulevitch; Capt. Spratt; Buckaesz; Nowicki; Frigard; Thompson; Fred Thompson; Newton; James Malcolm; Kendra; Hintsa; Arcisz; O'Leary; Grondahl; Smith.
Death of Joseph Flaherty, 16. Death of Joseph Kamesh, Sept. 17, 1935.
Norman Sims, baseball player at Holy Cross College.
Clinton-Maynard High School Football Game.
Oil-O-Matics Baseball.
Funeral of Mary Grigas.
P. 19
Sports: Peoples Theater Basketball Team: Creighton; Milewski; Mathewman; Coughlan; Luban; Columbo; Norgoal; Colombo; Mariano, Capt.
West End Softball Team Championship 1938; John Flaherty Baseball at Boston College 1938.
P. 20
1938 Maynard High School Grads: Doris Beane; Rita Foley; Donald Jones; Kenneth Johnson; Nicholas Kizik; Esther Kauppila; William Murphy; Sylvia Glickman.
Sports: Peoples Theater Ushers: Lubin, Milewski, Columbo, Norgoal, Mathewman, Mariano, Creighton.
News about Joseph and Julia Wardzila; Jennie Melewski; John Driscoll as Exalted Ruler of the Maynard Elks; Veino Koski was voted most beautiful girl of Finnish descent in Maynard; Elizabeth Schnair; and Herbert Boothroyd, a Maynard weaver. Death of William France.
P. 21
Sept. 1938 News about William Slenkiewicz; Johnnie Gavin and John Red Flaherty at Boston College.
P. 22
Photos of the Maynard High School Student Council: Doris White, Dorothy Hansen, Olavi Alatalo, Albert Bachrach, Lyli Tervo, Daniel Sullivan, Helen Isner, Norma Oates, Aulis Oksa, Irene Morrill, Louis Maglione, Charles Fourall, Elena Pruniano, Jean Davis, Lillian Luosalo, Virginia Taylor, Helen Arciszewski, Doris Kelley, Florence Dudzinski, Roger Burnham, Principal James King, William LeSage, Donald Dowen, Daniel O'Leary, John Kulik, George Whalen, Vincent Weir, James Fava, Raymond Kane, Jolin MacPherson.
Maynard High School Field Hockey Squad: Gladys Tobin,
Doris LeSage, Helen Sofka, Arlene Hull, Lyli Tervo, Norma Oates, Dorothy Hansen, Anna Rolynowicz, Fannie Kulevich, Coach Dorothy Marsden, Rita Gallagher, Irene Morrill, Helen Boothroyd, Helen Arciszewski, Sylvia Greenblatt, Miriam Sarvela, Thelma Dawson, Mildred Coburn, June Carbary, Margaret Whalen, Gladys Boeske, Virginia Taylor, Mary Hickey.
Maynard Junior Legion Auxiliary: Irene Carey, Dorothy Hansen, Nancy Smith, Alice Hanson, Catherine Louka, Patricia Louka, Jean Lynch, Alberta Hanson, Mary White, Barbara Nelson, Mary King, Ann White (President), Mary Sweeney, Constance Martin, Dorothy King, Amelda Louka, Teresa White, Nannybelle Sealy, (baby) Margaret Sweeney.
Ads from Tony Watts, Watts Esso Service Station; Rubins Esso Service Station.
P. 23
High Honors MHS Class of 1937 Photo: Hul, Tikkonen, Kajander, Hoffman, Nelson, Higgins.
Photo of Holy Cross basebal pitcher, Normie Sims.
Maynard Junior High Baseball Team: Manager John Pozericki; Mahoney, Coach Leonard Olilla; Kendra; Wattu; Yaniskiewicz; Siekiewicz; Castanza; Yaneskiewicz; Hanna; Frigard; Makela; Spratt; Lampinen (June 1937).
Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilleney (nee Helen Sczerzen).
P. 24
Mary Farrell takes her vows as Sr. Mary St. Camillus. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farrell of Front St., Maynard.
P. 25
Maynard High School Football September 1938.
Peoples Theater Ushers Basketball Team article (Dec. 1938): J. Columbo; L. Columbo; Norgoal; Sokolowski; Torpaa; Mariano; Labowicz.
P. 26
Maynard High School Class of 1938 Award Winners: Mary Latva; Lyli Tervo; Ernest Priest; Joseph Boothroyd; Regina Ayotte; Guy Perillo; Sylvia Glickman.
P. 27
MHS Football Schedule 1939.
Article: Charlie Serjie, amateur Pugilist.
Sports articles on Maynard Hockey Club; Maynard High School Football; Peoples Theater Ushers Basketball.
Fire in Lucius Maynard, Summer St. house.
The Kopp twins celebrate first birthday.
P. 28
Obits: Joan Croft; Mrs. Hugh (Mary) Miller. Michael Grigas; Mr. Lucius H. Maynard; Mrs. Elizabeth O'Keefe.
P. 29
Weddings: Edward Hannon; Catherine Crowley; Alexander Savello; Niilo Keto; Fanny Wick; Alice Johnson & Walter Boeske.
P. 30
Weddings: Florence DeGrappo; Ann Kivela & George Bariteau; John Tobin; Patricia Higgins & John Nordberg; Harold Glickman; Mary Elizabeth Sirvio; Gertrude Swartz; Helen Jokela; Mary Ployart; Lucille Perry & Arthur Anderson.
P. 31
Weddings: Blanche Slabysz; Anthony Lombard; Anthony Columbo; Stella Shymonowicz; Marian Terrasi; Rosario Miccicke; Alan Palmer; Albina Sinicki; Olavi Alto.
P. 32
Weddings: Gertrude Pekkala; Helen Kaskiewicz; Allen Graf; Virginia Andrewskiewicz; Michael Sczerzen; Winifred Tobin; Mary Ployart; Stella Kolenda; Edna French.
P. 33
Articles regarding Frank & Robert White; Joseph Arsizewski; Leo McNamara.
P. 34
Maynard High School Class of 1939 Photos.
Misc. articles about William Spratt; Ruth Bradley; Helen Isner; Helen Marsden; Jane, Mary, Winifred, Elizabeth, and Gertrude Tobin.
Class of 1937 Reunion.
Photo of Screech Owl staff of 1939 at MHS.
P. 35
Weddings: Mary & Lena Brescia; Ruth Moynihan; Ann Meloro; Helen Labowicz; Olga Batulin; Clementina Lalili.
Wedding Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parker.
Obit: Lilllian Clark; Mary Vodoklys.
Retirement: Michael Tobin.
P. 36
Wedding: Doris Peterson; Vally Caroline Stefanovicz & Waino Kangas; Ralph Smith.
MHS Honor Roll: Oct-Dec 1938.
P. 37
Obit: Mrs. Henry Launola.
Sports: Basketball Peoples Theater "Ushers", 1939. Maynard Hockey Club, Sinewski, Sidorovich, Jokisaari, Pirkola, Devoll, Aho, Ollila, Osmo, Hintsa, Sulkala, Woodside, 1939.
P. 38
Old Time Basketball reflections article: George Lynch, Frank Murray, Jack Kelly, Frank Archer, Albert Axford, and Jack Punch.
Peoples Theater Basketball article.
Weddings: Joseph Pileeki & Sophie Baker, 1939. John Tobin, 1939.
P. 39
Sports: Y.P.S.L. Basketball: Ojelehto, Kangas, Boulden,Columbo, Frigard, 1939.
Articles about Wilho Frigard, Bob Duggan, Johnnie Flaherty, Normie Sims.
P. 40
1929 MHS Basketball: Albert Lehrer, Coach; Tierney & King, Managers; W. Frigard; Don Lent; Zaporeski; T. Frigard; J. Szcerzen; Tooppa.
Article about John Nowicki; William Stockwell.
P. 41
Maynard High School Football Team Line-up 1938.
Wedding: Julia Savosh & Bruno Kankanpaa.
Tom Chidley's Super Service Station, Main Street.
Elections 1938: Don Lent, Patrick McGrath, William Saarela, William Smith, Arthur Champagne, Matthew King, Joseph Cleary, Charles Keene, Christopher Wilson, Fred Elson, Jacob Laurila. Feb. 1938.
P. 43
Johnnie O'Leary receives Varsity Letter at Brown University. 1938
Wedding: Barbara Stockbridge.
Engagement: Julia Wardzala, Dec. 1938.
Maynard Country Club: John Provasoli, Pres., George Lynch, Vice-Pres., Raymond Veitch, Secretary, Patrick Murphy, Treasurer.
Article on the Maynard Enterprise's Middlesex League, 1938.
Birth of baby to Mr. & Mrs. Roy Marsden.
P. 45
Sports: MHS Football Team 1938; Thanksgiving Day Game with Clinton, 1938.
Obit: Mrs. Jacob Kamesh.
P. 46
Sports; MHS Football 1938 Photo: Charles Sullivan, Manager; Reggie Sawyer, Coach; Wasiuk, Loiko, O'Leary, Hajduk, Cuttell, Higgins, Team; Mike Vodoklys, Coach. D'Agata, Saaristo, Aoivonen, Bamford, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Whalen, Team. Nov. 1938.
P. 47
Wedding: John Hearon; Annie Louise Frye; Lena Brescia. 1938.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Connors returned from their honeymoon.
P. 48
Sports: Erikson's Dairy: Castanza, Gruber, Watts, Flaherty, Hintsa, Uglevich, Graceffa. 1938 July.
Obit: John Winkley. October 1938.
P. 49
Train Accident: John Luhaink injured.
Poster Contest Winners: Mary Rubaszko; Gertrude Kaupila; Mildred Holly.
Obit: Joseph Beavis.
P. 50
No Maynard News.
P. 51
Sports: Article about Undefeated MHS football team, 1938.
Obit: Martha Hartin.
MHS honor Roll October 1938.
Engagement & Wedding: Dorothy Naylor; Ruth Moynihan.
P. 52
Sports: Articles about MHS beat Concord High and Hudson High.
P. 53
MHS Highest Honors to Mary Latva, Anna Gudzinowicz, Daniel Sullivan, and Joseph Boothroyd.
Photo: MHS Senior Class Officers; Daniel Sullivan, Lyli Tervo, Albert Bachrach, and Karen Saarinen.
Sports: MHS team elects Gabby Wojtkiewicz as Captain of the Basketball Team, 1938.
Maynard Bowling League: DeMambro, Watts, Ketola, Peterson, Duggan, Sawyer, and Kitowicz.
Hugo Kajander 60th birthday celebration.
P. 54
MHS Football vs. Winchester HS Oct. 1938. Mike Vodoklys, D'Agata, Saaristo, Tolvonen, Bamford, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Whalen, O'Leary, Loiko, Cuttell, Hyduk.
MHS Girls Field Hockey vs. Shrewsbury HS. Oct. 1938. Alice Boeske, Carbary, Hanson, Sarvella, Tobin, Hull, Hickey, Morrill, Taylor, Coburn, and Arciszewski.
Samuel Bachrach receives Medical degree from Tufts.
Birth Notices: Mr. & Mrs. John Tobin; Mr. & Mrs. William Spratt.
Maynard Elks Club Essay Winners: Helen Smith, John Gudzinowicz. Community Awards to: Regina Ayotte, Ernest Priest, Lyli Tervo.
P. 55
Weddings: Viola Simonetti; Veronica Kuleisus; Elsa Laasanen; Doris Peterson; Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cowles; Vally Stefanowicz; Andrew Kangas; Stanley Uglevich; Mary T. Grigas; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maria; Mr. & Mrs. Victor Pozerycki; Jacob Swartz. 1938.
P. 56
Weddings: Margaret Breen.
Sports: MHS Track Team: Bruno Kansanniva; Lauri Pekkala; Charlie D'Agata; Nick Kizic; Wilson Cuttle; Tom Foley.
P. 57
Sports: MHS football beats Belmont HS. MHS football beats Stoneham HS. 1938.
Peoples Theater "Ushers" beat Framingham Coal Co.
Photo of MHS Football Team: Saarista, Teivinen, Nyholm, Sokolowski, Cuttell, Loiko, O'Leary, and Hyduc.
Frances Moody, age 3, wins automobile.
Philomena Christofono wins a song & dance contest.
Photo & article of Mike Vodoklys, Coach MHS Football.
Obit: Miss Emily Gordon, Maynard Teacher.
P. 59
Photo of Maynard High School Football Team 1938, with accompanying article as the undefeated Middlesex League Champions.
Chief of Police Andrew Magorty, age 75, asked to retire by Hudson Selectmen.
Eva Moynihan elected to Board of Assessors.
P. 60
Anthony Maskousky denies charges of driving to endanger and manslaughter. William MacWilliams of Brooks St. died. Mr. Maskousky was exonerated and the death was found to be an accident.
Photo: Twins James and John Kopp turn one year old, Jan. 1939.
Obit: Karl Anton Koskell.
P. 61
Photo of Jensen Family. Article about John O'Leary.
Weddings: Frances Brescia.
Obit: Franz Gustafson; Albert J. Moynihan.
P. 62
Articles about Maynard High School Football team 1938.
Swearing in of William Sienkiewicz as MA State Police Officer.
P. 63
Obit: Emil Boeske. John H. Winkley.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Case celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.
Edward J. Hannon was elected to Grand Knight of the Maynard Knights of Columbus.
Richard Engebretson at Mass General Hospital after attack.
P. 64
Walter Allen and Robert Greenaway make diver's helmet and equipment at their manual arts class in MHS.
Obits: Bernard Garrigan; Alphonse Micciche; Onni Jokisaari; Ellen Flood Quin; Richard Engebretson.
Mrs. Mary A. Keegan celebrated her 94th birthday.
Elmer Mattson elected to Commander of the VFW. 1938.
John Driscoll elected Exalted Ru;er of the Elks.
P. 65
Sports: Football Maynard HS vs Winchester HS. 1938
P. 66
Sports: Dorothy Hanson named Capt. of MHS Field Hockey team. MHS footbal team vs. Fitchburg, 1938.
P. 67
Sports: MHS football vs. Lexington HS, 1938.
Maynard registers a total of 3,206 voters in 8/1938.
P. 68
Article about the Maynard High School Football Team.
Hudson beats the Peoples Theater "Ushers". 1938
P. 69
Sports: Article about Charlie D'Agata, MHS Football. 1938
Maynard HS vs. Milford HS- Nov. 1938.
Obit: Anthony Wasiuk, 42. WW1 Veteran. 1938.
P. 70
Wedding: John J. Hearon. 11/1938.
George T. Priest nominated to the Board of Salvaging Down Timber (post 1938 hurricane) of the US Forestry Service.
Obit: Mrs. Jane McInnes Bain.
P. 71
Photo of Maynard High School students who participated in a WORC radio Quiz Program. Students were: Helen Arciszewski, Urho Mark, Leo Nurm, Anna Allard, Leo Mullin, Dorothy Tierney, and Bennie Gudnzinowicz. 11/1938.
Mary Pyszka, local accordian musician and dancer.
Testimonial for Rev. M. A. Vance, Union Congregational Church. Others mentioned are: Gavin Taylor, Mrs. William McGarry, Rev. George Koponen, Mrs. Fred Hekkala, Fred Murto.
Photo: Ernest O'Clair, Harold Roche, Dr. Raymond Hooper, Theron Lowden, Warren Twombly, Jack Stoler.
P. 72
Maynard Knights of Columbus Minstrel Show: John J. Donohue, Francis Hannon, Leo Mullin, James Farrell, John Murphy, Thomas King, James Duggan, John Driscoll, Alice Donahue, Edward Hannn, Charles Visocchi, Ida Carbone, Jane Denaro, Gertrude Parker, Phyllis Blanchard, Irene Bakun, Doris Harms, Marie Schnair, Charles Fourett, William Lesage, Raymond Kane, William Stades, John Moynihan, Margaret Dineen, Rita Gallagher, Doris Lesage, Anna Lyons, Jean O'Brien, Mary Quin, Doris White, Margaret Whalen, Robert Duggan, Albert Sullivan, Chester Sawyer, William Sweeney, George White, Ralph Sheridan, Harold Ledgard, Edward Thane, Louis Evers, Arthur Morrill, James Mahoney, John Johnston. 1939.
Charles Slyvert not guilty of murder due to insanity.
MHS Honor Roll - March 1939.
Wedding: Niilo Keto. July 1940.
Gruber Bros. Awards: Sally Murphy, Margaret Castillini, Tut Graceffa, Mary Callahan, Alric French. March 1940.
P. 73
Obits: Mrs. Graziela Mary Perillo; Joseph Flaherty; James Cheney; John Murray; Mrs. Josephine Boudreau; Sara Morgan.
Norman Simms pleaded not guilty to operating a betting parlor.
P. 74
Copy of Maynard Dramatic Club Program "The Ghost Train".
Sports: The Maynard Hockey Club competes in hockey championships.
Photo: MHS Screech Owl Staff 1938. Sheridan, Glickman, Carlton, Smalski, Saarinen, Bachrach, Lesage, Gallagher, Foley, Rolynowicz, Mullin, Field, O'Leary, Kane, Priest, Crowe, May, Syvanen, Murphy, Tervo, Gudzinowicz, Boothroyd, Veitch, Kulik, Sullivan, Rivers, Glickman, MacPherson.
P. 75
Mr. & Mrs. Hilary Kane welcome new baby.
Large article about voters changing political affiliations.
George Whalen elected Captain of MHS Football, 1939.
P. 76
Sports: MHS Football has second title, Nov. 1938.
MHS vs. Lexington HS baseball game article, April 1938.
Obit: Anthony Wasiuk. Dec. 1938.
P. 77
Weddings: Harold Wilcox & Eleanor Lawson- Oct. 1938; Frank Scacciotti; Mary Karpeichik; Mildred Mullin; Viola Simonetti; Edith Elson. Sept. 1938.
P. 78
Weddings: Michael J. Vodoklys; Edith France; Mary Fidanza & Albert Connors; Mary Karpeichik; Eleanor Lawson & Hariold Wilcox; Florence Lenzl; Dorothy Naylor; John Novick; Barbara Stockbridge.
P. 79
Photo: Maynard Knights of Pythias: Thomas Fox, Charles Shearer, Warren Twombly, Mull Joyce, John Mitzcavich, William Cameron, Frank Colombo, Charles Spence. May 1938.
P. 80
MHS Class of 1938 senior pictures.
P. 81
1938 MHS Field Hockey team beat Ashland.
Frank Sanderson re-elected as President of the Mass Town Clerks Assoc. Nov. 1938.
Maynard Grange Jubilee 1938: Hazel Bumpus, Edmund Whitney, Adelaide Sims, Rev. Elden Bucklin, James & Eric Farrell, Alan Palmer, Mary Lawton, Leo Comeau, Emma Kemp, Alice & Irvin Howe, William Stockwell, Linwood White, William Haywood, Elizabeth Hodges, Orville Tucker, Charles Shattuck, Eva Smith, Annie Floyde, Veronica Creighton, Alex Bourke. Nov. 1938.
Sports: Maynard HS vs. Marlboro HS. Nov. 1938.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Connors observed their 36th Anniversary: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Loftus, Mr. 7 Mrs. Albert Connors, Mrs. Mary Worden, Paul Worden. Nov. 1938.
P. 82
Photo: John O'Leary of Brown U. Football, Nov. 1938.
St. Casimir's celebrate 10th Anniversary. 1938.
Obits: Mrs. Frank Moran; Mrs. Ellen Flood Quinn; Mrs. Mary Jannell; Mrs. Jacon Kamesh.
MHS Field Hockey: Maynard vs. Shrewsbury. 1938.
P. 83
Sports: Maynard Ice Hockey Team vs. Leominster. 1938.
Wedding: James Whalen, Florida St. Maynard; Ruth Weir & Richard Wolfe. Jan. 1938.
P. 84
Boston Post All-Scholastics: Pellagrini, Maloney, Davis, O'Brien, Wakeham, Vitale, Mooney, Flaherty, Truesdale, Chamberlain, Baniewicz, White, O'Rourke, Conley, O'Leary, Rosenbaum. 1938.
P. 85
Sports: Johnnie O'Leary to play with Brown University vs. Harvard. 1938.
MHS vs. Stoneham HS game for championship. 1938.
Johnnie O'Leary was voted most popular man on campus at Brown University. 1938.
Rev. James P. Sherry praised for his role as Chaplain during WW1.
Phillip Wilson & Benjamin Piecewicz passed the Mass Bar Exam. 1938.
P. 86
Profile of Arthur R. Champagne with photo.
Farewell party for Doris Beane.
Schedule of Maynard Softball Team, Sept. 1938.
Photo: Louis B. Connors elected to Senate.
P. 87
Weddings: Veronica Kuleisus & John Kavaleski; Helen Wojtkiewicz & Francis J. Brayden; Mildred E. Mullin; Viola Simonetti; Marguerite Tierney; Isabelle Donohue; Malvina Kulewicz & Albert Cowles; William Hyden; John J. Walsh; Mary J. Mason; Stanley Uglevich; Ruth Moynihan. 1938.
P. 88
Weddings: Phillip Morrison; Mary Fidanza & Albert Connors; Ruth Heinonen & Reino Hietanen; Patrick Nugent; Della Koch; Dr. Samuel Bachrach; Edith France (photo); Mary Noonan & Mike Vodoklys. 1938.
P. 89
Photo of Anchor & Ark Glee Club - June 1938.
Mr. & Mrs. Neils Jensen, 60th Anniversary.
Photo: MHS Faculty: Alice Fearns, Ruth Bradley, Ruth Wilson, Elizabeth Wetherbee; Ethel Butterworth; Vena Field; Eileen Doyle; Anne Pasakarnis; James King; Leo Mullin; Walter Tierney; Albert Lerer; William Reynolds; Michael Vodoklys; Charles Manty; John Provasoli; Don Lent; Reginald Sawyer; George Kennedy. 1938.
P. 90
MHS Senior pictures. Class of 1938.
Obits: John E. Rice; Mrs. Frank Moran.
Mr. & Mrs. Ingham celebrate 25th Anniversary. Oct. 1938.
P. 91
Anne Bellows wins BU Chalmers Cup for outstanding work for 4 years (photo).
Duck Racing Fad: Mary Haywood (photo).
College-bound seniors: Lou Columbo, Evelyn Sawutz, Charlotte King, Edwin Gustafson (photos).
P. 92
Sports: Oil-O-Matics, Miller Oil, Co.K., game updates. 1936.
Wedding: Salvatore Graceffa. 1937.
P. 93
MHS vs. Stoneham HS Football game article. 1939.
P. 94
Articles unreadable.
P. 95
Weddings: Barbara Stockbridge; Elizabeth Laasanen & Martti Makela; Ann Meloro & Anthony Maskowsky;
Julia Wardzala; Clementina Lalli; Helen Labowicz; Olga Batulin; Anthony Vitkauskis. 1938.
P. 96
Weddings: Lena & Frances Brescia; Ann Meloro; Ruth Moynihan; Helen Labowicz. 1938.
Obit: Mrs. Gabriel Lucinskae..
Mr. & Mrs. Wollerschied Golden Anniversary. 1938.
P. 97
Maynard High School Senior Pictures. Class of 1939.
P. 98
Mrs. Eva V. Moynihan named as first female to head office in Maynard. Feb. 1939.
Eino Kajander named president of Gardner Theater Guild.
Mr. & Mrs. Scully celebrate 60 years of marriage. 6/1939.
P. 99
Maynard HS vs. Lexington HS. April 1939.
P. 100
Maynard Junior High vs. Concord Harvey Wheeler Jr. High baseball game. 1939.
Johnny "Peewee" Smith named Captain of MHS Baseball Team for 1939-1940 school year.
P. 101
Fred Loftus is playing ball with Plattsburg of the Northern League.
Obit: Harriet Gibbs Callahan; Ann Conway. 1939.
P. 102
Sports: Middlesex Cleaners; Peoples Theater Ushers. George Lynch hits a 376 triple in bowling competition. March 1939.
P. 103
Sports: Middlesex Laundry defeat Forge Village in baseball. Players were: Kitowicz; Shaughnessy; Connors; Tibbets; Murphy; Dwyer; Natolj; Mahoney; Lehto; Fleming; McHugh; Gumbert.
Al Cowles selects 6 MHS baseball players to be on a Midland Team: Wotjiewicz; Creighton; Haapanen; Kitowicz; Gudzinowicz. June 1939.
Two articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers".
P. 104
Sports: MHS vs. Belmont HS, Sept. 1939.
Flying Pigeon Club participated in an event Sept. 1939; M. Lalli; Frank Braman; J. Byrne; A. Annette; William King.
Maynard High Baseball Team vs. Medford HS: Wojtkiewicz; C. Haapanen; Georgie Creighton; Johnny Gudzinowicz; Ed Kitowicz. June 1939.
P. 105
MHS Girls Basketball Team: Mary Sawyer; Sylvia Nyholm; Margaret Tierney; Edith Perkins; Aune Salo; Jeannette ___; Helen Sczerzen; Eleanor Lawson; Catherine Coughlin; Dorothy Marsden; Violet Koskella; Coach George Rupprecht. April 1939.
Photo of Catherine Coughlan, tennis champion at Biston University. 1939. Catherine was also named "Gamma Delta Girl" (with accompanying photo).
Miss Julia Lynch, daughter of C.J. & Minnie Lynch of Nason St., graduated from Regis College.
P. 106
Maynard H.S. Girls Field Hockey photo: Helen Wzosek; Constance Dawson; Stella Siergij; Victoria Jakusik; Eleanor Flaherty; Irene Peterson; Sophie Denisvich; Katherine Hoffman; Jeannette Thompson; Ruth Bradley; Aili Kajander; Johanna Aho; Ruth McKenna; Elizabeth & Gertrude Tobin; Dorothy Simila. Nov. 1935.
Weddings: Ernest Murphy & Ethel Hellawell; Francis White & Violet Boule.
P. 107
Sports: Three articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers" basketball games. March 1939.
Article about the MHS vs Stoneham HS baseball game. 1939.
P. 108
Two articles about the Peoples Theater "Ushers" basketball game. Feb. 1939.
Three articles about the Maynard High School baseball games- Winchester, Belmont, Bedford HS. May 1939.
P. 109
Surprising dismissal of two teachers: Don Lent & William Reynolds. May 1939.
Photos: Juliet D'Errico & Vincent Weir. May 1939.
Petition for reinstatement of dismissed teachers, Lent & Reynolds. May 1939.
P. 110
Two articles about MHS students who picketed the dismissal of teachers Lent & Reynolds. May 1939.
List of MHS Honor Roll for third quarter - 1939.
P. 111
Photo of and article about MHS Girls Basketball Team: Catherine Coughlan, Tainie Hyland, Elizabeth Murray, Virginia Lawson, Mary Kane, Helen Scerzen, Edith Perkins, Eleanor Lawson, Dorothy Marsden. 1929.
Photo of Screech Owl Staff of 1936. (no names).
P. 112
Photo of Anne Bellows, student at Boston University.
Obit: Mrs. Tauno Torppa (2 articles).
MHS Girls Basketball Team: Gertrude Pukola, Sarah Hallowell, Elizabeth Murray, Hannah Lehto, Lillian Reid, Sylvia LinnaIrma Ryssy, Hulda Hill, Anna Lehto, Ranghill Mark, Helen Nee, Mary Hayward. 1926-1927.
P. 113
Wedding: Francis X. Powers.
Two sports articles by Al Cowles and Jerry Nason, a reflection of baseball and football teams in the past. ca1939.
P. 114
Obit: A.E. Garlick, Jan. 1938.
Wedding: Lillian Pekkala & Lauri Wick.
Sports: Maynard Sheiks Football Team: G. Chyzus, O'Connor, Capt. Bakum, Bundalavitch, Columbo, O'Donnell, A. Chyzus, O'Toole, Saari, Abo, Johnstone, Connors, Coach Hooper, Manager Cowles. 1926.
P. 115.
Sports: Article about the history of Maynard High School Athletics by A. Cowles. 1938.
Photo & Article about Frances Moody, age 3, winning a Chevrolet sedan at the Maynard Elks raffle. Also in the photo are John A. Driscoll & Thomas Maley. Dec. 1939.
P. 116
Sports: Article about the Peoples Theater "Ushers".
Tom King was appointed an official umpire in the New England Collegiate Conference. 1939.
Wedding: John Tobin & Mary Patterson. Feb. 1939.
P. 117
No news.
P. 118
Maynard H.S. vs. Everett H.S. Football article - Nov. 1933.
Football squad donate blood to John Thompson, fellow MHS player, due to an injury in a game with the Concord Yankees.
P. 119
Photo of Eleanor Murray, entering St. Vincent's Nursing School, Worcester, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Murray.
Article about Charlie Manninen, an originator of the Maynard Radio Club. Aug. 1939.
Maynard Tax Rate jumped to $44.00/thousand. 1939.
P. 120
Photo: Anchor & Ark Glee Club of Maynard: Harlan Cook, Walter Larkin, Edwin Carit, Elmer Cook, Frank Holland, Huram Parkin, George Lawton, William Brennan, Mark Newton, William Jones, Howard Weaving, Lindsey Smith, William Merriam, David Walker, Wilder X. Macurda, Richard Lowden, George Jamieson, Arthur Corey, Ralph Smith, William Johnston, Harold Merriam, Wendall Burroughs, Mrs. Hazel Cook, pianist.
May Procession held at St. Bridget's Church: Doris White, Dorothy Dimery, Jacqueline Tully, Alice Byrnes, Dorothy Hanson, and Mary Quinn.
Leonard Farrell
Donated by Mrs. Leonard Farrell
Loose page scrapbook.
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