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  • Tags: Clock Tower

This a folded card. The Address side had to be exposed via Post Office Regulations.

Bandstand in center, Post Office in Masonic Building on left.

A white clock made at the Digital Stow Carpentry Shop that was hung in the Mill. The carpenter/artist who carved and signed this wood clock was Michael G. Giddens, April 4, 1985. There is a light which lights up the clock tower clock dial.

Model of the Mill Clock presented to Ken Olsen from the Greenville employees at the dedication of the new DEC facility. The base plaques list the DEC facilities and year operational, 1957 - 1982.

These two models are representative of the mill tower and clock that has come to be used as a symbol for the Town of Maynard.

Clock Tower model was presented to Dave Maccia from Digital Equipment Corporation in appreciation for 25 years of service.

The clock is being repainted similar to the original 1892 color.

Document that enumerates the terms and conditions of how the Town Clock and Tower should be maintained. Originally entered into agreement with Franklin Lifecare Corporation, it applies to all subsequent owners of the mill complex (subject to a…

A photograph of the blimp with the Mill Clock Tower in the foreground. was a large tenant of the Mill complex in the early 2000's.

The town clock seen at different times, inside and out.

George & Ginny Paul looking on while the clock is being wound, a weekly event.

Copy of a post card of the mill area taken from Summer Hill.