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Welcome Home to Men of World War I - 1919
All Maynard Veterans were awarded a souvenir medal from the Town of Maynard. This is a view of the presentations at Post Office Square, corner of Main St. and Walnut St.
Bandstand at Crowe Park
The bandstand was built in the 1930's by the WPA at Crowe Park. The Green Meadow School can be seen in the background. The bandstand was taken down in the 1990's, deemed unsafe.
Final Resting Place of the Old Bandstand - 1915
The bandstand was built by Abel Haynes in 1904, and was set up at the foot of Walnut and Main Streets (then known as Post Office Square). The Maynard Brass Band used it until 1915. At that time, as a result of a dispute between the Maynard Brass…
Main Street and Post Office - 1914
Looking east from the Main Street Bridge. Post Office was located in this end of Maynard's Block (Masonic Block) on the right. Note the bandstand in the foreground. This is on Walnut Street (King Square). The bandstand was removed in 1915 as a…