Dublin Core
Main Street and Post Office - 1914
Looking east from the Main Street Bridge. Post Office was located in this end of Maynard's Block (Masonic Block) on the right. Note the bandstand in the foreground. This is on Walnut Street (King Square). The bandstand was removed in 1915 as a result of an argument between the bands as to who was going to use it for summer band concerts. It was the property of the Maynard Brass Band, having been donated to them by Abel T. Haynes. Bandstand was removed to a site off Acton Street near the Whitney house.
On left, A.T.Haynes Bock (Riverside/Gruber Furniture). White picket fence and fir trees in front of the home of Amory Maynard 2nd. Site of Sears store in 1970s. Beyond this, Naylor Block, at corner of Main and Nason Streets. This was destroyed by fire in winter of 1917.
Center: Electric trolley car standing at Creighton Block (Center Outlet).
On left, A.T.Haynes Bock (Riverside/Gruber Furniture). White picket fence and fir trees in front of the home of Amory Maynard 2nd. Site of Sears store in 1970s. Beyond this, Naylor Block, at corner of Main and Nason Streets. This was destroyed by fire in winter of 1917.
Center: Electric trolley car standing at Creighton Block (Center Outlet).
Hazel Randall Robinson
Frank Alto
Frank Alto
Right: 1. Band Stand; 2. Masonic Block (post office); 3. Creighton Block (Johnson Pharmacy); Center: CM&H Railway Car; Left: Riverside Hall (A.T. Haynes Co); 2. Wall, fence and trees in front of Amory Maynard, II residence; 3. Naylor Block (destroyed by fire in Feb 1917)
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
3.5 x 5.5 in
Two cards
Two cards