Dublin Core
The MHS Postcard Collection is one of the best, and possibly most entertaining, way of looking into the history of the Town. Each postcard is a little cultural time capsule.
Most contain images of the day -- often events and scenes that you wouldn't consider postcard material today. Many of our donated postcards show the correspondence of the times - short dispatches from our town across the decades.
Most contain images of the day -- often events and scenes that you wouldn't consider postcard material today. Many of our donated postcards show the correspondence of the times - short dispatches from our town across the decades.
Dave Griffin (Maynard Historical Society)
This is a PREVIEW of Items in the Postcards Collection
View ALL of the items in collection
First Automobile in Maynard, Mass.
Dr. F. U. Rich owned the first automobile in Maynard. He is seen driving the car with his daughter, Gertrude Rich Cooke, as a passenger.
Car Barn, Maynard, Mass.
Car barn to the right, power house to the left of the Concord, Maynard & Hudson St. Ry.
Assabet Woolen Mills, Maynard, Mass.
Early postcard with undivided back for address only. Large borders in front around picture is for message.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Maynard, Mass.
The large white borders are for the message, the back is reserved for the address.
Views of Maynard, Massachusetts
Clock wise starting upper left: Ben Smith Dam, Junction of Main and Nason Streets, Mill Pond and Mill Buildings, Maynard High School