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  • Tags: American Woolen Company

The Committee's report and recommendations to the Town voters relative to an Agreement with the American Woolen Company to supply street lighting for the Town.
P. J. Sullivan
George H. Hart
A. J. Coughlan
James F. Sweeney
C. H.…

An address by Francis W. White, President of the American Woolen, added to the Congressional Record by the Hon. Richard M. Simpson of Pennsylvania. Francis White's remarks were to the Lawrence, Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce addressing the reasons…

Early postcard with undivided back for address only. Large borders in front around picture is for message.

This a folded card. The Address side had to be exposed via Post Office Regulations.

Plan of Land and Buildings of the Assabet Mills, Maynard, Massachusetts owned by the American Woolen Company.

Scale: 80 feet to 1 inch

Major highlights and property references include:

Mill Compex (with building numbers)
Mill Pond (Water…

A post card photo of Daniel Sullivan who was born in 1888. "Danny" Sullivan worked as an Assistant Paymaster in the American Woolen Company office. His family lived on Great Road in Maynard. His parents were James & Hannah Sullivan,…

A white sign stating an attendance policy for American Woolen Company employees. The sign states: "Employees will not be allowed to enter the mill until 15 minutes before their starting time".

With a textile mill as the center of employment (and economic power) for the first 75 years of Maynard's existence, it is not surprising that labor unions were deeply threaded through those years as well. A detailed chronology of labor unions in…

A review of the many boarding houses and hotels that sprang up in Maynard starting in the 1860s and flourished until the 1930s.

A ledger recording the real estate transfer of the property owned by the woolen company to private owners. The record indicates the purchase price, parcel location, interest payments and the balanced owed as of March 1936. Example shown is the…

The book records orders for different quantities, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over a ten month period.

The book records orders for different quantities, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over an eleven month period.

The book records orders for different quantity, color, style, quality and kind of finished woolen cloth over a two year period.

The book has the date of order, date of carding and spinning , quantity and other information of the finished woolen cloth.

Six volumes recording the lot number, description of blends, weight, cost, quality and waste for the production of various types of cloth.

Four volumes that record the weight, percentage and types of wool used to produce various colors and types of cloth in each lot. Approximately 725 lots per volume.

The book records 950 blends or mixtures of wool including the price per pound and total cost of the particular lot.