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  • Tags: undivided back

Dr. F. U. Rich owned the first automobile in Maynard. He is seen driving the car with his daughter, Gertrude Rich Cooke, as a passenger.

Early postcard with undivided back for address only. Large borders in front around picture is for message.

The large white borders are for the message, the back is reserved for the address.

Two not mailed early postcards.

A Brefkort-- Brev-Kort vintage postcard sent to Annie Autio, a Maynard, Mass. resident.

In Finnish, photo of Ida Toikkanen and Linda

A series of 23 postcards sent to Anna Autio as a young girl when she was living in Fitchburg and Maynard in the early 1900's. The notes are written in Finnish. Note on the backside view, the card was sent from Fitchburg on Sept. 10, 1906 at 9:30…

Built in 1892, destroyed by fire in 1916.

The Post Office was located in the building.
The Creighton Block was the small building extending in front of the Masonic Building.