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  • Tags: Congregational Church

Two views of the Sanctuary and Alter at different times.

A certificate of completion from the Beginners Department of the Union Congregational Bible School.

Poster promoting a food sale on the lawn of the Union Congregational Church.

A photo of Boy Scouts in front of the Congregational Church.

A booklet describing the objective of the Society, monthly Scripture readings, and a listing of the Society's Officers for 1903.

Harold Merriam, Choir Director, left on platform.
Marion Jones, Organist
Rev. Leonard W. Fowler, 4th from right; George Weaving 3rd from right; Murray McKenzie, furthest right.

The two photos without louvers in the steeple are pre-1940. The louvers where installed between 1943 & 1948. The last photo is a digital copy, not in the collection, of the first photo.

Eleven photos (three shown) showing some of the work to replace and repair the churches steeple.

l to r

Front: ___?, Ralph Jones, Ed. Carlton, Marion Jones, Walter Larkin, ___?

Back: Allan Palmer, ___?, ___?, Theron Lowden, ___?, ___?, William Johnson