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  • Tags: Summer Hill

Mill Pond and houses on Front Street, Summer Hill in background.

Assabet Mill and Mill Pond on left, St. Bridget Church on the right, Main Street School in the center

Postcard is mislabeled, actually Sunset should read Summer. There is no Sunset Hill in Maynard?
The three large buildings across the pond are on Main St.

The Observation Tower was built by the American Legion to watch for airplanes and was manned 24 hours per day. It was later taken over by the Coast Artillery. It was destroyed by fire on October 30, 1951.

See also: The History of Maynard,…

Four views of the river, reservoir and Summer Hill.

The Assabet River, Ben Smith Bridge and the Mill Street Bridge are visible on the right side of picture. The old pumping station chimney, back and to the left, on Winter Street and the chimney at the trolley barn are seen on the left.

The Ben Smith Bridge and the Mill Street Bridge are seen as well as the Assabet River. The chimney, center left, is the old pumping station on Winter Street.

The three story building in the center foreground is the Old Central House and is still standing. The two story house third from the right is the original Main Street School built in 1857 by the town of Sudbury. It was moved in 1902 to make way for…

The Congregational Church Steeple, the Clock Tower, the Woolen Mill, the Mill Pond, houses on Front Street, and a treeless Summer Hill are visible in the photo.

The open reservoir was built in 1889, the closed one in 1972.

A photo of the Assabet Mills from Summer Hill.

Built on Summer Hill in January of 1942 by the American Legion and volunteers. It was manned 24 hours per day by local people and later taken over by the U. S. Army to protect the Ammunition Depot. The Army maintained the tower until the end of the…

Photograph of Maynard, the mill complex, and St. Bridget's Church taken from Summer Hill in 1905.

Photograph of Maynard Mill and Town from Summer HIll circa 1920. Summer Hill was used for grazing animals and was a popular picnic location.

Photograph of Maynard and Mill Complex taken from Summer Hill. Note dual smokestacks on the mill and the Main Street School on the right.

We have included an enhanced 4x close-up of the town scene. You can pan around it in your browser. Details…