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  • Tags: Birdseye

Mill Pond and houses on Front Street, Summer Hill in background.

Assabet Mill and Mill Pond on left, St. Bridget Church on the right, Main Street School in the center

Postcard is mislabeled, actually Sunset should read Summer. There is no Sunset Hill in Maynard?
The three large buildings across the pond are on Main St.

Mill Pond, the houses on the left on Front Street.

Greetings from Maynard Massachusetts

Area also known as New Village or Presidential Village.
Reardonville was that part of Maynard from Parker Street to Hayes Street, including Roosevelt, McKinley and Harrison Streets. The American Woolen Company purchased the property from the…

An original black and white card and a later colorized version. Clock tower seen center left.

1st card - St. Bridget Church in background, left. Flood's Barn (later called Pastime Hall) with blue roof in center background - destroyed by fire 25-Feb-1967.

2nd card- St. Bridget Church in background, right. Main Street School, brick building…