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  • Tags: bridge

This iron plate was found at the bottom of the Assabet River. The Litchfield bridge was built across the Assabet River below the railroad bridge. It was to provide access to Litchfield's coalyard from the Company office on Main Street. It was…

Old photo of Russell's Bridge (?) spanning the Assabet River near the current Wildlife Refuge. View from Stow toward Maynard on opposite side of river.

A review of various forms of transportation and how they conveyed residents of Maynard, including walking, horseback, stage-coaches, steam trains, electric trolleys, busses and, finally, the automobile.

The Concord, Maynard and Hudson Street Railroad car leaving Maynard on the way to Stow and Hudson.

The Brothers of the Brush sponsored an inner tube race down the Assabet River rapids in Maynard. The upper trestle bridge is the Boston & Maine Railroad Bridge, the lower structure is a bridge across the Assabet River that allows access to the coal…

Two black and white photos of the Main Street bridge with a rare snapshot of the King Square Diner (123 Main Street). The first photo was taken in August 1956. Also included are newspaper clippings showing ownership changes.

The second photo…

A sepia photo of Main Street and the Petersen Bridge, pre-1916. The Petersen Bridge spans the Assabet River. The Lunch Cart is on the far right of the picture and Nelly's is in the center of the block.

A copy of a picture of the construction of the Walnut Street Bridge, 1921-22.

A mounted sepia photo of the Florida Road Bridge. Until 1915 a wooden footbridge crossed the river at Florida Road. Every time a flood or high water the bridge would wash away. The present cement bridge was erected in 1915.


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts proposed bridge over the Assabet River in Maynard, Mass., dated October 1936. The proposal was designed by Leroy Hersum, 6 Beacon Street, Boston. Three pages of drawings.


In May of 1989 the last of the railroad bridge was removed to make way for the new foot bridge over the Assabet River and the new Tobin Park.

A photograph of construction activities of the Masonic Block (Main and Walnut Streets). Steel Main Street Bridge (Peterson Bridge) in foreground. Diner on left.

This location is 100 Main St.

Two plans that outline the construction of a private bridge for William F. Litchfield. The bridge was designed by New England Structural Co.

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A collection of paperwork belonging to William F. Litchfield, that includes his Will.

This was the B&M railroad bridge over the Assabet River. The Maynard DPW was in charge of the removal. The Raynor Scrap Company of Worcester, MA had the demolition contract. The I beams on the center span was brought to MBTA yard in Somerville, MA…

Taken during 1927 flood


This is the bridge on Great Road.


Tires, concrete blocks and other debris in the river beneath the Walnut Street Bridge.

Bridge washout and water flowing over the bridge.

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