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King Square Diner and Main Street Bridge - 1956


Dublin Core


King Square Diner and Main Street Bridge - 1956


Two black and white photos of the Main Street bridge with a rare snapshot of the King Square Diner (123 Main Street). The first photo was taken in August 1956. Also included are newspaper clippings showing ownership changes.

The second photo with the wording "King Square Diner" is dated April 11, 1936.


The history of the King Square Diner is being researched with contributions from many sources. If you have information or photographs of the diner, please contact us!

Here is what bits and pieces we have collected so far:

A lunch diner was in the location in the 1920's, possibly pre-dating King Square, which was commemorated in 1923. Prior to the diner it may have been a lunch cart location (see: Peterson Bridge photo with the "Lunch" sign, ca 1916)

The diner was likely built Worcester Lunch Car Company of Worcester, Massachusetts.

The diner and/or the land it was on was leased by Gruber Brothers, the diner was situated between the Gruber Brothers building and the Assabet River. It actually extended a bit over the edge so it was over the river and had a cheeky nickname “Girdle Diner” (because it hung over the Assabet (Ass-a-Bit)).

The "owner" and "operator" of the diner were often different people.

In July 1933 the owner of the diner, Peter Hanson, passed away.

In December (or late November) 1949, ownership of the diner changed with it being purchased by Tom King, who owned a package store, also on Main Street. Bill Collins was hired as the diner's operator / manager.

In November 1951 ownership of the diner changed again (Possibly back to whomever owned in 1949?)

In 1958 the diner was owned by Eddie Johnson.

ca 1960-1970 - Operated by (brothers) Charlie and Joe Nolan

Maynard resident Ahti Jaakkola operated the diner for a number of years (sometime after the 1950s) Ahti was a butcher for the VA Hospital and the United Co-op Society. After retiring from the VA he operated the diner.

Late 70's the owner was“Boika” Helin. He always had fish on Fridays and would put a fishing pole and line out the window over the river with a sign that said “Fresh Fish Today”.

The diner closed permanently in 1978.

The was torn down in September 1979 as part of a downtown revitalization project. The demolition was done by Bonnazoli Construction from Hudson.
The frame was buried up in their land in Hudson.




Janet E. Brayden




Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Photo print.

Physical Dimensions

3.5 x 3.5 in.; 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 in.

