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  • Tags: diner

The Nason Street Diner (aka D's Subs, aka Maynard Diner, aka White's Diner, aka Hoffman Diner) was a classic American Diner located at 48 Nason Street from, at least the 1920s until the mid 1980s. (It was also listed as 50 Nason Street)


Photograph taken from north Nason Street of the fire at the Pizza and Spaghetti House fire.

The diner is also visible in this photograph.

Nason Street seen from the corner of Summer Street. The Nason Street Diner 48 is visible in lower right.

Two black and white photos of the Main Street bridge with a rare snapshot of the King Square Diner (123 Main Street). The first photo was taken in August 1956. Also included are newspaper clippings showing ownership changes.

The second photo…

A sepia photo of Main Street and the Petersen Bridge, pre-1916. The Petersen Bridge spans the Assabet River. The Lunch Cart is on the far right of the picture and Nelly's is in the center of the block.

A photo of Eino Nyholm standing on the Main Street bridge with the King Square Diner (123 Main St.) seen in the background. The second photo is Eino's dog inside the diner.

The diner was located at 48 Nason Street.

Robert Finnila had worked for the Maynard Public Works Department for many years after which he owned and operated the Nason Street Diner for over 20 years.

A photograph of construction activities of the Masonic Block (Main and Walnut Streets). Steel Main Street Bridge (Peterson Bridge) in foreground. Diner on left.

This location is 100 Main St.

Looking west from Summer Street toward the Square.