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  • Tags: square

Clock wise starting upper left: Ben Smith Dam, Junction of Main and Nason Streets, Mill Pond and Mill Buildings, Maynard High School

Folded double postcard.
Main Street is to the right, Nason Street to the left. Trolley tracks can be seen in the foreground.

Panoramic photograph shows where the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Railway connects to the Lowell, Acton and Maynard line.

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A photo of the Maynard Mills and Square in 1914.

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Assabet River at the Ben Smith Dam, Naylor Block (junction of Nason St. and Main St.), Maynard High School, Assabet Mills (Digital) with Mill Pond.

It shows the following stores.
Sandersons #6
Edison Light #8
Hudson Dress Shop #10
Army and Navy Store #12
( it later became the outdoor store)
Peoples theatre #14
Aubuchons #16
Firestone/Acme supply #18

Block stood at corner of Main and Nason Streets and late Saturday night February ?, 1917 was destroyed by fire.

Trolley from South Acton completes run to Maynard.

Looking west from Summer Street toward the Square.