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  • Tags: Boston & Maine

Boston and Maine Railroad Bridge off Main Street.

A blue "Maynard" sign that is from the Boston & Maine railroad station which stood on the corner of today's Main Street and Railroad Street: 151 Main Street. From photos of the station this was one of, perhaps 3, signs that were on the side of…

A review of various forms of transportation and how they conveyed residents of Maynard, including walking, horseback, stage-coaches, steam trains, electric trolleys, busses and, finally, the automobile.

An account of the turbulent interplay of alcohol, the Temperance movement and Prohibition in Maynard.

Newspaper clippings pasted on a cardboard backing.

A collection of eight photos (5 shown) of the bridge off Main Street.

Eight folders that contain histories, newspaper clippings, schedules, tickets, boating news, train wrecks and accident information and general information on the state of public transportation in Maynard

The back of the second card is for address only as regulated by the U.S. Post Office. In 1908 address message were allowed on backside.

Boston and Maine Railroad
This occurred near the upper end of High Street on a Sunday afternoon. Nobody was seriously injured.

Small, lower bridge is the Litchfield Bridge, a private bridge that gave access to the coal yard.

A Boston & Maine engine and tender derailed.

Looking east on Main Street. Located at xx Main Street. Built in 1850. It was turn down in 1957.