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  • Tags: Music Hall

Until 1927 was located south of where the Assabet River runs under the "Paper Mill Bridge". Both the dam and the bridge was washed out in the flood of November 1927. The bridge was replaced and is being replaced again in 2012. The large dark building…

The concert and ball was held at the Music Hall from 8 PM to 2 AM. The dance card was used to appoint a partner for each dance.

The International Order of Good Templars, who promoted total abstinence from alcoholic beverages, had a lodge in Assabet Village, prior to Maynard's incorporation.

In the days before the canned entertainment of radio and television, people created their own diversions - and dances were immensely popular.

The history of one of the larger temperance societies that operated for about 20 years from 1890 to the 1910s.

An account of the turbulent interplay of alcohol, the Temperance movement and Prohibition in Maynard.

The file contains the history of roller polo as played in pre-1900.
Team Members: Robert Denniston, Allie Martin, Sylas Sawyer, James Morgan
The photo is of the hard, rubber ball.

The Methodist Church at the corner of Summer and Main Street soon after construction with the Music Hall to the far left and the Paper Mill falls in the fore ground.

Until 1927 was located south of where the Assabet River runs under the "Paper Mill Bridge". Both the dam and the bridge was washed out in the flood of November 1927. The bridge was replaced and is being replaced again in 2012. The large dark…

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A badge from the Industrial Exhibit during Merchant's Week, May 15-May 18, 1900.The Exhibit was held at the Music Hall (the Rink). Admiral Sampson was the guest of honor.

The performance was at the Music Hall, Maynard, on July 27, 1912. (This was the same year that the Music Hall was destroyed by fire.)

This picture was taken from Paper Mill Bridge. The Falls are in the forefront. The large building at the right is the Music Hall.
The black and white version was published with only address allowed on back.

The morning after "The Rink" was destroyed by fire.

Assabet Mills smoke stack center back, Music Hall on far right

Better known as The Rink, built in 1885 by Lorenzo Maynard. Later site of Tutto's Bowling Alleys. Completely destroyed by fire Tuesday, November 26, 1912.

The Music Hall ("The Rink") was the center of all activity in town. Shows, balls, roller skating, dances, basketball, reunions, graduations, etc. Completely destroyed by fire in December 1912. (Tutto's Alleys)