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  • Tags: Hudson

A porcelain saucer with a depiction of Main St., Hudson, Mass. imprinted on the front side. The backside of the plate says the following: "Made in Vienna, Austria for Sexton's Variety & Tea Store, Hudson, Mass.".

Three bound volumes of the newspaper.
Volume 1: May 4, 1917 - May 3, 1918
Volume 2: May 8, 1925 - April 30, 1926
Volume 3: May 6, 1932 - April 27, 1933

Bound volumes of The Hudson News newspaper.
Volume 1: May 11, 1900 - May 3, 1901
Volume 2: May 1, 1908 - April 23, 1909

Dance cards for the Leap Year Dance and the People's Dance held at Town Hall, Hudson.

An account of the turbulent interplay of alcohol, the Temperance movement and Prohibition in Maynard.

A photo book of the activities of the Hudson National Guard.

Newspaper clippings and relative information about Hudson.


The CM&H for Maynard, Boston & Worcester for Marlboro and the Worcester Consolidated for Clinton all met here.