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  • Tags: military

Joseph Boothroyd served in WWI
Backrow standing , 6th from the right

Six U.S. Navy pins, two are labeled the FJ-4 Fury pins. The FJ-4 is a fighter-bomber for the US Navy and Marine Corps.

The Air Medal is a military decoration of the United States Armed Forces. It was created in 1942 and is awarded for single acts of heroism or meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight.

A 235th AAF Base Unit Card that authorized Sgt. Albert W. Connors to wear certain ribbons and badges. It is dated January 27, 1945.

A collection of medals earned by Sgt. Albert W. Connors, US Air Force, during WW 2. These are: 1)the Distinguished Flying Cross; 2)Campaign Ribbon with 3 stars and 2 Oak Leaves; 3)Campaign Ribbon; 4)Pin with 2 Oak Leaves; 5)Collar Insignia US Air…

The pin has a hand and sword, the color blue for Infantry and the motto for the school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The Observation Tower was built by the American Legion to watch for airplanes and was manned 24 hours per day. It was later taken over by the Coast Artillery. It was destroyed by fire on October 30, 1951.

See also: The History of Maynard,…

A photo book of the activities of the Hudson National Guard.

This group became Company I, Sixth Regiment Massachusetts Infantry at the time of the Spanish-American War.
The volunteers came from Acton, Concord, Townsend, Sudbury, Waltham, Malden, and two from Maynard: Fred Haigh Marsden and George Oram Rodan.


l to r
Front Row: Harold Cuttel, Dominic Colombo, Nick Constanza (Navy)

2nd Row: Carlo Mistreta (Navy)

Back Row: Donald Brayden, Ponsy Wheeler, ___?, ___?, Joseph Boothroyd

A collection of applications to VFW Post No. 1812, Maynard, Mass.
The applications show the name of applicant, occupation, nearest relative, enlistment and discharge dates, branch of military, Campaign Medal Service and other information. Two…

A poster announcing the Fifth Registration of male citizens for selective service during World War II.

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A sign with instructions to registrants for Selective Service. (Form DSS 35)

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A sign announcing the registration of men for Selective Service in Maynard in the MHS Auditorium.

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Group portrait of Class 36, Air Corps Radio Operators and Mechanics at Scott Field, Illinois. (Servicemen from Maynard are in the class.)


Photograph of an army company. Maynard residents Edward Ledgard and William Coulter were members of the unit.


A greeting card evidently placed in a gift package sent to the Maynard soldiers during the war.

Walter Zancewicz was aboard the first ship, Marine Serpent, that entered Pearl Harbor after the bombing of December 7, 1941. The second photo is the ship.

The photos are cut outs of postcards. Identified are Harold Sheridan, Frank Parks and John T. Gibbons.

The Hero of Santiago during the Spanish-American War. He was the guest of the Town of Maynard during Merchants' Week, May 14-19, 1900 (see 1999.2899).