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  • Tags: pin

A small metal 4H pin.

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A campaign pin for Ted Kennedy in 1986-87 with the slogan "Move Ahead with Ted".

Two Veterans of Foreign Wars pins, 1991 & 1992, that belonged to Donald Brayden. The inscription reads: "Veteran's of Foreign Wars, Commander's Club".

A gold and blue rotary badge that belonged to Leonard K. Adams. The inscription reads: "Rotary International, Maynard". Leonard K. Adams' name appears on the name plate.

Six U.S. Navy pins, two are labeled the FJ-4 Fury pins. The FJ-4 is a fighter-bomber for the US Navy and Marine Corps.

A small copper blood donor pin. The inscription reads: "American Red Cross, Pro Patria, Blood Donor".

A gold-colored pin from the American Girl Scouts.

A pin from the ARP (Air Raid Precautions) Women's Defense Corps that was worn during the WW II time period by Ellen F. Sheridan.

A button/pin from each of three organizations: Maynard Lodge No.1568; Aid Finland; ARP Women's Defense Corps.

With the advent of World War II, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts established a Massachusetts Women's Defense Corps (MWDC) in May of…

A pin supporting Teddy Roosevelt in the 1912 Presidential election. Teddy ran as a third party candidate, Progressive Party, losing to Woodrow Wilson.

The pin has a hand and sword, the color blue for Infantry and the motto for the school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Lapel pin worn on the uniform indicating that the individual is qualified in ARP (Air Raid Precautions) and a member of the Women's Defense Corps.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League 15th Summer Festival held at Maynard, Mass.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League Summer Festival at Sovittajan Park.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League Summer Festival held at Quincy, Mass.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League (21st) Summer Festival held at Maynard, Mass.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League 20th Summer Festival held at Rockport, Mass.

Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League Summer Festival held at Sovittajan Field Rutland, Mass.
Sovittajan was the name of the Worcester Temperance Society and they owned the field and cottages.