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John J. Tobin Campaign Button - 1979
John Tobin was challenged by Russell Lattucca. John was reelected but did not finish out his term. He died in 1986.
George F. Whalen Campaign Button - 1986
George ran for selectman in 1986 was elected. He attended one meeting of the Board of Selectman and then died of a heart attack.
Vaccine Promotional Button - 2021
Button was distributed to individuals who received Covid vaccine at Gillette Stadium, a mass vaccine site.
Collection of World War I Military Coat Buttons - ca 1918
World War I buttons cut off military coats, shredded in the Shoddy Mill, Assabet Mills. They were found by Edmund Duggan.
Teddy Roosevelt Lapel Button - 1912
Progressive Party Campaign Button
A pin supporting Teddy Roosevelt in the 1912 Presidential election. Teddy ran as a third party candidate, Progressive Party, losing to Woodrow Wilson.
Women's Defense Corp Pin - ca1942
Lapel pin worn on the uniform indicating that the individual is qualified in ARP (Air Raid Precautions) and a member of the Women's Defense Corps.
Promotional Pin Collection
Digital Equipment Corporation
This is a collection of pins for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The pins vary from giveaways at trade shows to pins related to DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer Users Society):
"Phantom of the Operating System" - DECUS PC SIG
"Phantom of the Operating System" - DECUS PC SIG
Lapel Ribbon
Maynard Lodge of Elks
A participation lapel pin and ribbon celebrating the inauguration of the Maynard chapter of the Elks.
Lapel Ribbon
50th Anniversary
Maynard, Mass.
A participation ribbon celebrating Maynard's 50th Anniversary of being incorporated, 1871.
Lapel Ribbon
United Textile Workers of America
Maynard, Mass.
A membership ribbon of the textiel union affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, A. F. of L.